Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1
median-line principle, 210 n.14
Meiji Restoration, 48
Mekong River system, dam building on,
Meng Qinglin, 116
merchant marine, 58
microsatellites, Chinese, 88
Mid-Term Defense Program, 161
military operations other than war
(MOOTW), 161, 162
Military Power of the People’s Republic of
China, 74
minesweepers, 95, 98, 154, 155, 159, 167,
207 nn.50–51
Mischief Reef, 173, 183
missile destroyers, Chinese, 79–80, 87
missionaries, 46, 48
MIW (mine warfare), 71, 78, 95, 97–99,
Mohan, C. Raja, 129–32, 134, 144
Mongols, 18, 26
MSDF, 154, 155, 157–58
Mukherjee, Pranab, 143
Mullen, Michael, 61–63, 126
Mulvenon, James, 103
Mutual Logistics Support Agreement, 180
Myanmar, 114, 171, 172

Nansha/Spratly area, 171
National Defense Program Guidelines
(NDPG), 160–61
National Institute for Defense Studies, 159
National Military Strategic Guidelines for
the New Period, 100
National Military Strategy, 68
National Security Strategy, 59, 67, 68
naval limitations agreements, interwar
period, 53–55
Naval War College, 50
NDPG (National Defense Program
Guidelines), 160–61
NDPO (National Defense Program
Outline), 157
Nelson, Horatio, 50
NEO (noncombatant evacuation
operation), 131
New Security Concept, 177

New Zealand, 32, 36, 43, 52, 62, 141
Ni Lexiong, 163–64
Nine-Power Treaty, 56
Nixon, Richard, 156
North Korea, 178, 182
North Sea Fleet (NSF), 93
NSMS (National Strategy for Maritime
Security), 60–61
nuclear-powered submarines, 57, 58, 76,
93, 103, 139

Obuchi, Keizo, 159
oceanic society, 20–21
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), 76, 77
Ohno, Yoshinori, 163
oil embargo, Arab, 156
Okinawa, 165
Open Door policy, 52, 53
Operation Enduring Freedom, 141
OPK (Ocean Peace Keeping), 159
Osumi, 161
Osumi-class transport ship, 160

Pacific century, 14
Pacific Fleet, 63
Padfield, Peter, 7
Pakistan, 127, 130, 132, 135, 145
Panama Canal, 61, 66, 172
Paracels, 171, 178
Parlett, H.G., 36
Peace Mission 2005, 99
Peaceful Development thesis, 177
Peaceful Rise theory, 177
Peattie, Mark, 152
People’s Republic of China (PRC).See
Perry, Mathew Calbraith, 48, 49
Peter Kien-Hong Yu, 178
Philippines, 51, 63, 176, 179–80; claims in
South China Sea, 172, 173–74, 175
piracy, 27–28, 61
PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy).
SeeChina, as maritime power
Potomac(U.S. naval frigate), 47
Pound, Dudley, 42
Prakash, Arun, 137
Protestant missionaries, 46

218 Index

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