Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1

Protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia
Nuclear Weapon Free Zone, 177
PSI (Proliferation Security Initiative),

Qian Qichen, 176
Qing Dynasty, 3, 47, 164, 165

rational choice theory, 15
Reed, William, 49
Richmond, Herbert, 39
RIN (Royal Indian Navy), 134
The Rise of Great Powers, 71
Rodgers, John, 49
Rogers Act, 188 n.2
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 43
Roosevelt, Theodore, 51, 52, 151
Root-Takahira Agreement, 55
Rosecrance, Richard, 180
Roy-Chaudhury, Rahul, 134
Roy, Denny, 178
Royal Thai Navy, 143
Russia, 210 n.14

saltwater perspective, 14
SAMs (surface-to-air missiles), 78, 86–87
Sangh, Rashtriya Swayamsevak, 132
satellite buses, Chinese, 88
satellite navigation systems, Chinese,
Sato ̄Tetsutaro ̄, 150, 152
Saudi Arabia, 66, 171
Saxon, Timothy D., 34
Schencking, J. Charles, 34
The Science of Campaigns,104–6
sea power: constituents of, 8; theory on,
Sea Power 21, 60
sea, uses of, 21–22
seagoing society: vs. landbound society, 19;
maritime, 20; oceanic, 20–21
Second Island Chain, 182
Second Opium War (1858–60), 48–49
Sekino, Hideo, 156
Sekino-Kaihara debate, 166
Self-Defense Forces, 159
Senkaku Islands, 162, 163, 171

September 11 terrorist attacks, 159–60
Seventh Fleet, 57, 63, 64, 155
Shambaugh, David, 182
Shangdong Province, 53
Shanghai Cooperation Organization, 171,
Shanghai Five (later the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization), 176
Shufeldt, Robert, 49
Sicily, 10, 19
Simon, John, 40
Singapore, British naval base at, 38, 40
Singapore, global economy and, 3
Singapore–Washington relationship, 179
Singh, Jaswant, 132
Sino-Indian war, 134
16DDH-class ship, 161
SLBMs (submarine-launched ballistic mis-
siles), 76, 138, 139
SLOCs (sea lines of communication), 4,
149; China and, 12, 78–79, 80, 91, 92,
102, 104, 105, 112, 120; India and, 140,
141, 143, 145; Indonesia and, 67; Japan
and, 13, 109, 110, 153, 155, 156, 157,
158; United States and, 64, 65–66, 67,
soft American imperialism, 49
Song Xiaojun, 91
South Korea, 2; Aegis destroyers, 6; force
structure trends, 1990–2006, 5; and
global economy, 3; merchant marine, 58;
oil import route, 172; oil imports, 4;
shipbuilding, 3, 119; strategic oil
stockpiles, 202 n.34; tanker competition
with China, 113; and trade, 66
Soviet Union, collapse of, 18, 31, 59,
Spain, 15, 51
Spector, Ronald, 150, 154
Spratly Islands, 66, 180
Sprout, Margaret Tuttle, 150
SSBNs (nuclear-propelled ballistic-missile
submarines), 76
SSNs (nuclear-propelled attack subma-
rines), 76
Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 171
submarines, 93; diesel-powered, 75, 76, 93;

Index 219
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