Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1
fleet ballistic missile, 57, 58;Kilo-class
Project 636M submarines, 75–76;
nuclear-powered, 57, 58, 76, 93, 103,
Suez Canal, 51, 66, 172
Sumatra, 47, 172
Sun Tzu, 150
Sunda Strait, 172, 202 n.34
Suzuki, Zenko, 152, 153, 157

Taft-Katsura Agreement, 52, 55
Taft, William Howard, 52
Taiwan: force structure trends, 1990–2006,
5; Four Wants and One Without, 109;
and global economy, 3;Kidd-class
destroyers, 6; territorial claims in South
China Sea, 172, 173; and trade, 66
Taiwan Strait, 23, 172
Taiwan Strait crisis (1996), 182
Takaaki, Kato [accent], 34
tanker war, between Iran and Iraq, 66
Tattnall, Josiah, 48–49
territorial sea, 64
Thailand, 62, 114, 159, 160, 176, 177,
179, 180
theory of sea power, 205 n.12
Third Fleet, 63, 64
Tiananmen arms embargo, 82
Till, Geoffrey, 7, 8
total allowable catch (TAC), 175
treasure ships, 30
Treaty of Tientsin, 49
Treaty on Amity and Cooperation, 177
Turk, Richard, 150
Twenty-one Demands, 53

UAV (unmanned-aerial-vehicle) transport,
UNCLOS (UN Convention on the Law of
the Sea), 64–65, 68
UNCTAD (UN Convention on the Trade
and Development), 3
undersea warfare, 77
United States: antisubmarine warfare, 57,
60; expenditure on battleships in
interwar era, 207 n.42; merchant
marine, 58; need for more coherentnaval

strategy, 167; oil imports, 66; rise as
Pacific power, 50–51; SLOCs, 64, 65–
66, 67, 68–69.See alsoU.S. maritime
strategy in Asia
U.S. Department of Defense, international
regions designated by, 65–66
U.S.-Japan defense treaty (1952), 155
U.S.-Japan maritime alliance, 63
U.S.-Japan security treaty (1960), Far East
clause, 156
U.S. Lifelines and Transit Regions,
U.S. Marine Corps, 57, 166
U.S. maritime strategy in Asia: arms
limitation, 53–55; Cold War and, 56–
59; during interwar period, 53–55; early
encounters, 47–49; economic dimension
in 21st century, 65–67; legal dimension
in 21st century, 64–65; National
Security Strategy, 59; operations, 51–53;
post–9/11 period, 60–62; post–Cold
War, 1990s, 59–60;Sea Basing,60;Sea
Power 21,60;Sea Shield,60;Sea Strike,
60; strategic elements in 21st century,
63–64; swing strategy, 58–59; twenty-
first century, 62–67; World War II,
U.S. Navy: budget cuts, 67; in nineteenth
century, 48–49.See alsoU.S. maritime
strategy in Asia
U.S.-Soviet de ́tente, 157
USNSBowditch, 65
USNSKitty Hawk,72–73
USSAshuelot, 49
USSJohn C. Stennis, 180

Valencia, Mark, 179
Van Dyke, Jon M., 179
Versailles Treaty, 53
very large crude carriers (VLCC), 113, 117,
119–21, 122, 123
Vietnam, 30, 171, 176; claims in South
China Sea, 172, 173, 175
Visiting Forces Agreement, 180
von Tirpitz, Alfred, 151

Wang Zhiyuan, 91

220 Index

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