
(nextflipdebug2) #1
November 2016 ITALIA! 7

HOW TO SEND YOUR PHOTOS Please email high-resolution (300dpi) jpegs of your photos of
Italy to [email protected] or send prints to ‘Reader Photo Competition’ at the
address given on page 18. Please include a brief explanation of your photo, plus your name and
delivery address. You must be over 18 to enter.
Please note: Any photos you submit must be your own work and you must have the right to send them for
inclusion on this page. By sending your entry, you are confi rming that Italia!’s use of your photo(s) will not
constitute infringement of any rights, and confi rming that you are over 18.

Amanda Addlesee, Grantham, Lincolnshire
“Taken from our wedding venue in the hills above
Lucca, overlooking a beautiful church on a hill. We
return most years as we never tire of the view.”

Amanda Davies,
Goffs Oak,
“This photo was
taken in Venice. I
had gone with my
sister and niece,
who both live in
the USA. It was
the fi rst visit for
my niece and we
had a wonderful
trip exploring all
the best bars! This
was our favourite
spot – having
cocktails at the
Hotel Gritti Palace
looking out at the
Grand Canal. Bliss!”

Judi Tonti, Free Union,
Virginia, USA
“A typical fun weekend on the
Piazza Grande, Bologna.”



Mel Williams, via email
“Did you know Italy
played a vital role in
the founding of the
Red Cross/Red Crescent
movement? It was
at a battle in Italy
between the Austrians
and Italians (I believe)
in 1859, where the
founder Henri Dunant
witnessed atrocities that
inspired him to work to
found the humanitarian
movement. The two
photos (left and below)
are of the museum in
Solferino, where the
battle took place and of
one of its artefacts, one
of the fi rst motorised

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