78 ITALIA! November 2016
20g dried porcini mushrooms
250ml white wine
500ml vegetable stock
2 tbsp olive oil
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
2 tbsp thyme leaves
1 tbsp freshly chopped rosemary
200g risotto rice
60g Parmesan cheese, grated
sea salt and cracked black pepper
17 cured black olives, stoned
40g plain flour
2 free-range eggs, beaten
140g fresh breadcrumbs
vegetable oil, for frying
saffron salt, to sprinkle
Soak the mushrooms for the risotto in the wine
for 30 minutes. Drain, reserving the liquid, and
chop roughly. Pour the reserved liquid into a
small saucepan with the vegetable stock. Bring
to the boil and reduce to a simmer.
Put the olive oil, garlic, thyme, rosemary and
mushrooms in a medium saucepan and cook
over medium-high heat for a few seconds, to
coat with the olive oil. Add the rice and stir for
2-3 minutes until well coated and translucent.
Start adding the stock a ladleful at a time,
stirring continuously until the liquid has been
absorbed. Continue until you have used all the
liquid, about 20 minutes. Stir in the cheese and
season with salt and black pepper. Pour onto a
large plate and spread out to cool.
To make the suppli, take tablespoons of cooled
risotto and form 17 balls. With your index
fi nger, make a dent in each risotto ball and
place an olive in the centre. Roll the risotto ball
in your hand to reshape and cover the olive.
Dust the suppli balls with fl our, dip into the
beaten egg and then toss in the breadcrumbs
until well coated. At this stage they can be
left to rest in the fridge for up to 6 hours
until you are ready to cook.
Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed pan until
the oil reaches 180°C on a deep-frying
thermometer. Alternatively, test the oil by
dropping in a cube of bread – it should turn
golden brown in a few seconds. Fry the suppli
in batches until crispy and golden brown, about
2 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Sprinkle
generously with saffron salt and serve.
➤ MAKES 17 ➤ PREPARATION 30 minutes ➤ COOKING 30 minutes
Try these bite-sized Italian classics – including fi sh and vegetarian options...
Italian Meatballs
Recipe by Valerie Aikman-Smith, photography by Jonathan Gregson
IT144.Recipes-Meatballs.sg4.indd 78 28/09/2016 16:23pm