
(lily) #1


A handsome Speckled Woodpigeon gives a steely-eyed stare. These are
typically found at higher elevations – this shot was taken at Namrung
where, after four solid days of walking, we finally broke the 2000m-
mark and were starting to get views of the famed snow-capped
Himalayan ranges.

On the very first day of our trek, I rise with the sun, bushy-tailed, bright-eyed and all raring to get a good morning’s birdwatching in. I was greeted with a special
sighting of a Yellow-throated Marten on the opposite bank of the river – what a start! These fearless creatures are omnivorous, but will take on prey much larger
than themselves. BELOW LEFT My, what long nails you have! A Kashmir Rock Agama basks in the sun while awaiting his next meal. During the breeding season,
the male’s throat turns bright blue.
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