2018-11-03 New Scientist Australian Edition

(lu) #1
3 November 2018 | NewScientist | 35


FEW years ago, I sat down in my home
office and clicked through to a YouTube
video. In it, a woman slowly folded towels
on a table, while talking in a gentle whisper.
Almost immediately, a warm, fuzzy tingle
started around the nape of my neck, spreading
across my shoulders and back. Within a
minute, I was in a state of utter relaxation. The
sensation lasted long after I stopped watching.
I have experienced this calming tingle
since I was a child, when my mother would
stroke my back at bedtime. But I never
mentioned it – it just seemed weird.
Then a few years ago, I read an article about
an internet subculture devoted to the “brain
tingles” elicited by videos of people folding
towels or The Joy of Painting – a TV show in
which the host Bob Ross would produce an oil
painting and quietly explain how he did it. Just
reading the descriptions of these videos was
enough to set off the sensation.
Watching someone fold towels may seem
tedious, but that clip has had more than
1,900,000 views. Clearly, I’m not alone.
That got me wondering what was happening
in my brain to elicit these feelings. Do they
serve a purpose? And how many other
people share my ability to easily find a state
of blissful relaxation?



Videos of people folding towels or

painting can trigger a mysterious

state of relaxation in some people,

including Michael Marshall.

What’s going on?

“Brain tingles,” or
ASMR, can send you
into a state of bliss.
But what is it?

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