Consumer Reports – December 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1

Food Sleuth

How Healthy Is Oil?

The cooking oils section of the grocery store has more and more options—
coconut, corn, hemp, olive, walnut, to name a few—and all have roughly 120 calories
and 14 grams of fat per tablespoon. But the type of fats that make up these oils can
vary dramatically. Both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats—which make up the
majority of the fats in most nut, seed, and plant oils—have been linked to a lower
risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. They’re especially helpful
when used in place of unhealthy saturated fats, found in significant amounts in butter
and coconut oil. But the type of cooking you’re planning matters, too.
High-heat cooking requires an oil with a high smoke point (the temperature at which the
oil begins to burn). And for some dishes you want a neutral or mild flavor,
while others call for a specific taste. With this in mind, here are five common
oils to help you find the best fit.

TASTE Pressed
from the flesh
instead of the
seed, avocado
oil has a mild,
nutty, and buttery
BEST USES This oil
has a high smoke
point, which
makes it a good
fit for a variety of
cooking methods,
such as sautéing
and searing,
but not for deep
frying. If you find
that olive oil is too
strong a flavor
for you, avocado
is a good option
with similar fat

from the seed
of the canola
plant (a variety
of rapeseed), it
has a neutral
flavor, similar to
vegetable oil.
BEST USES Try it in
dishes where you
want other flavors
to stand out, such
as in baked goods,
or on delicate
fresh fish. It’s good
for medium- to
high-heat cooking.
Most canola oil
comes from GMO
plants; if that’s a
concern, choose
organic or non-
GMO verified oils.

TASTE Olive oil can
taste of fresh-cut
grass, herbs, nuts,
butter, or fruit.
Some oils have a
sharp, peppery
bite or slight
“Extra virgin”
bottles have the
boldest flavor.
pricey, extra virgin
is great as a dip or
in salad dressing.
Drizzle over bean,
grain, or pasta
dishes. Use virgin,
light, and just
plain olive oil for
sautéing veggies
or meat.

TASTE Derived from
the seeds of the
safflower plant,
unrefined oils are
a dark yellow-
orange and have
a mild nutty, earthy
flavor. Refined oils
are typically pale
and more neutral
in taste.
unassuming taste
and high smoke
point make it
perfect for a
variety of dishes
and cooking,
such as for baked
goods, curries,
and stir-fries, as
well as sautéing
and deep frying.

TASTE Extracted
from the flesh
of coconuts, this
tropical oil has
a mild, sweet
coconut flavor.
Refined versions
of coconut oil
have very high
smoke points, so
they’re good for
frying recipes or
in Asian dishes,
such as curries.
It’s almost all
saturated fat,
though, so it’s
best to use this
type of oil in

Avocado Oil Canola Oil Olive Oil Safflower Oil
(high oleic)*

Coconut Oil

*Linoleic versions of safflower oil have a different breakdown of fats: monounsaturated (14%), polyunsaturated (75%), and satur ated (6%).
Note: Percentages do not add up to 100 because we did not include some minor constituents.

11 %

71 % 63 % 73 % 75 % 6 %

13 % 28 % 13 % 2 %


12 % 7 % 14 % 8 % 82 %

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