MEP Middle East – November 2018

(Martin Jones) #1


10 MEP Middle East | N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8

The event deliberated easy financing solutions for retrofit and solar

projects that are available for developers.

The electricity sector in the UAE capital has been witnessing remarkable growth over the recent years


Etihad Energy Service
Company (Etihad ESCO)
organised a retrofi t work-
shop on 27 September 2018,
to raise awareness on the
rising relevance of energy
effi ciency and to discuss
ways to address challenges,
including fi nancing, that im-
pede the widespread adop-
tion of building retrofi ts.
The event, Dubai Retrofi t
and Developers Awareness
Program, was successful in
helping the attendees gain
a better understanding
of retrofi tting as a tool to
achieve energy effi ciency,
along with the benefi ts of
energy audits and retrofi t-
ting projects.
Addressing the challeng-
es related to fi nancing, the
session deliberated easy
fi nancing solutions for ret-

Ali Al Jassim, CEO, Etihad ESCO.

The total electric power
generated in Abu Dhabi
in 2017 amounted to
71,504,164MWH, an in-
crease of 4.9% over 2016,
according to the Statis-
tical Yearbook (SY) of
Abu Dhabi 2018, recently
released by the Statis-
tics Centre - Abu Dhabi
The electricity sec-
tor in the UAE capital
has been witnessing re-
markable growth over

the recent years to meet
the immediate require-
ments for socio- economic
development across the
emirate, WA M reported.
Electric power gener-
ated through renewable
energy amounted to
271,704MWH in yet a
new evidence of the suc-
cess achieved in diversi-
fying natural resources
and preserving energy
In addition, the per cap-
ita daily consumption of

desalinated water fell by
1.5% from 1.2 cubic metre
p er day i n 2 016 to 1.0 0 c m
per day in 2017.
The total desalinated
water produced in 2017
amounted to around 1.
million cm, 1.101 million
of which was consumed.
Abu Dhabi City ac-
counted for 61.3% of
total desalinated water
consumption followed by
Al Ain where consump-
tion hit 25.5% and then
Dhafra, 12.1%.

Electric power generated in Abu Dhabi increased by

4.9% in 2017 over 2016

Etihad ESCO organises retrofi t awareness

programme in Dubai

rofi t and solar projects that
are available for developers.
Ali Al Jassim, CEO, Eti-
had ESCO, highlighted that
almost 8% of electricity con-
sumption savings and over
4% of water consumption
savings were achieved in
2017, compared to normal
consumption levels. This
corresponds respectively to
3.3 T Wh per year of electric-
ity saved, and to 4.9 billion
Imperial Gallons per year
of desalinated water saved.
Furthermore, representa-
tives of Etihad ESCO’s cli-
ents presented successful
retrofi t case studies imple-
mented by the company at
their facilities. The speakers
included Faisal Ali Rasid
from Supreme Council of
Energy, Armando from
DEWA, Siddiqui Kaleem
from Dubai Airports, Su-

has Inamdar from Al Wasl,
and Mohammad Najjar from
In addition, the workshop
discussed the importance of
solar in enhancing energy
effi ciency of buildings. It
emphasised that the ideal
and most effi cient phase
to incorporate solar is dur-
ing the construction of the
building. Etihad ESCO
also presented successful
solar case studies from

the region and drew at-
tention to the potential of
solar rooftops and car park.
As Etihad ESCO continues
to work towards stimulating
the building retrofi t market
that should generate around
800 million worth of energy
savings on the utility bill
of end users by 2030 the
forum discussed the role of
measurement and verifi ca-
t ion ( M&V ) as a n essent ia l
tool for effective monitoring
of energy savings. Various
sustainability services pro-
vided by Etihad ESCO were
also explained.
Al Jassim said: “The
building sector holds huge
potential in the achievement
of energy effi ciency and in
lessening the impact of cli-
mate change. A range of
structural and architectural
changes can be incorporated

Power generated through renewable amounted to 71,704MWH.

at the designing stage itself
to make a huge difference,
although, the awareness
levels about these possibili-
ties remain quite low. The
workshop was successful
in engaging developers
and other stakeholders in
meaningful discussions, in-
cluding fi nancial challenges
that pose hindrance to the
adoption of these measures.”
TAQATI elaborated on
the signifi cance of capac-
ity building and training in
improving the delivery of
energy effi ciency projects.
Representatives of a diverse
group of organisations at-
tended the workshop, in-
cluding Emaar properties,
Union Properties, A zizi
Developments, Diamond De-
velopers, Omniyat, Al Wasl
Properties, Dubai Invest-
ment and Meydan Group.
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