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The market for drones in the Gulf is expected to
reach $1.5bn by 2022
IM is the process of creating and manag-
ing information on a construction project
across its lifecycle. Such a process is a digi-
tal revolution for the construction industr y.
Drones contribute to this approach in various ways
such as 3D modelling and progress monitoring.
The market for drones and drone technology in
the Gulf is expected to reach $1.5bn by 2022.
Competition in the construction industr y is
growing. Business Information Modeling (BIM)
software has been around for a while, but savvy
engineers, architects and contractors are now
discovering the power of combining BIM with
drone technology to get a leg up.
During the construction stage, maintaining
proper documentation of the project progress
schedule is diffi cult. Usually there would be a
site manager traversing around the site capturing
photographs at random points and then prepar-
ing the whole site report based on these limited
photographs. With the introduction of drones into
the construction industr y, a series of high defi ni-
tion aerial shots and videos can be easily captured
so as to get a better insight to the progress that
has occurred without actually being on-site. The
real time data acquired by light detecting sensors
mounted on the drones can help create building
information models which can be directly fed into
Autodesk’s program line such as BIM, Inventor,
AutoCAD and Revit for early damage detection
procedures, quality management exercises and
other asset evaluation techniques. The point clouds