CONSULTANT VIEW November 2018 | MEP Middle East 33
in our main offi ces where we bring in clients
and our partners, and we can help people
visualise and look around a building [project].
You c a n a lso go mobi le a nd t a ke it over to t he
clients’ offi ces so they can view it. Technol-
og y is always a par t of ever y thing that we’re
doing these days.”
WSP has a lot of small focus groups, and
dedicated software teams, where the small
focus groups supported by the fi rm’s in-house
software team carry out a lot of development
work such as scripts. He says: “Software is
developed to make things easier and more
effi cient, and really, the focus around tech-
nolog y is to enable ou r p eople. S o t hat fi nally
we a re able to sp end f r u it f u l t i me w it h cl ient s
and architects, to do the bit that’s needed.
To spend time on the important stuff such
as coordination, design, collaboration. Be-
ing able to bring the team together to get a
project built on time.”
In order to be successful in this industry,
the relationship between consultants and
contractors is important. Farley says that a
successful way of working for a contractor
and consultant is always collaborative. He
says: “It’s always communicative. It’s always
someone picking up the phone and getting
around a table and resolving an issue. We’ve
got to challenge each other and to me one of
the main parts of that equation is the client.
If we just have a consultant with a contrac-
tor, it probably won’t succeed. We need the
client to buy into that as well and be part of
that process and that’s to me the recipe for
a good and successful project.”
Farley concludes by saying: “ We, at WSP,
a re a lways t r y i ng to look at how we i mprove
at what we do. We don’t wa nt to be st a g na nt.
To me, if you have that mindset to always
move forward, and always mprove, then
you will be successful under any market
Mark Farley,
director of building
services, Middle East,