46 MEP Middle East | N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 http://www.mepmiddleeast.com
This programme was developed in 2017-2018 with the
support of a dedicated committee gathering three major
European manufacturers
The products will be made available in just one hour after placing the order to a maximum
of 48 hours, depending on the kind of products purchased
Eurovent introduces new certifi cation
programme for liquid-to-liquid plate
heat exchangers
Sanipex Group launches online platform in bathware
and plumbing retail
Eurovent Certita Certifi cation has introduced
a new Eurovent Certifi ed Performance (ECP)
programme for liquid-to-liquid plate heat
This programme was developed in 2017-
2018 with the support of a dedicated commit-
tee gathering three major European manufac-
turers. The development of the programme
a lso i nvolved consu lt at ion of Eu rop ea n t est i ng
laboratories to elaborate a specifi c and ade-
quate test method based on, among others,
the EN 1148:1999+A.1:2005 standard.
The resulting requirements and rules de-
fi ned for the LPHE programme involve prod-
Sanipex Group, bathroom and plumbing solu-
tions provider in the Middle East, has launched
a Click and Collect service for its wide range of
bathware products for collection and delivery
in UAE.
The products will be made available in just
one hour after placing the order to a maximum
of 48 hours, depending on the kind of products
Sanipex Group, which has expanded its offer-
i ngs over t he past 2 8 yea r s , is look i ng at cont i n -
ued growth of its products through its Aquazone
brand. A new 9,000sqft. Aquazone superstore
was recently inaugurated in the heart of Dubai
on Umm Suqeim Street to include both retail
and warehouse space. The brand’s third store
in the city refl ects the company as providers
of a comprehensive range of quality bathroom
and plumbing solutions in the UAE. This one
stop destination for bathroom fi ttings, plumb-
Rules for LPHE programme involve product performance.
uct performance testing, but also production
site auditing and selection tool checking.
These act as complementary guarantees to-
wards high levels of performance ratings reli-
ability, manufacturing process steadiness and
design adequacy.
The scope of the programme covers gas-
keted plate heat exchangers, brazed plate heat
exchangers and fusion-bonded plate heat ex-
cha ngers used i n si ngle - phase heat excha nge
applications in the HVACR sector. The certi-
fi ed performances include the pressure drop
(for primary and secondary sides) and the heat
exchange capacity of the plate heat exchanger
operated with clean water or clean aqueous
ing and tiling products includes Aquazone and
Ba g no Desig n as wel l as produc t s f rom sele c t ed
pa r t ner s such as Grohe, D yson, A xent , Bos si n i,
Reginox, Ariston and others.
Calum Stewert, Retail Director- Sanipex
Group said: “Aquazone is a result of our continu-
ous growth and success in key projects across
various sectors for the group. It addresses a
demand from the institutional sector and offers
a comprehensive collection of bathroom prod-
The Aquazone brand is rapidly increasing its presence.
ucts as well as concealed plumbing solutions.
With our new e-commerce and Click and Col-
lect service, we are undoubtedly the fi rst in the
plumbing and bathroom industr y to institute a
speedy and convenient availability of products
at the click of a button.
“The launch of the new store and service are
based on positive market predictions, with an
ex p e c t ed g row t h i n plu mbi ng a nd bat h room so -
lutions due to strong consumer interest in high-
value products across the region. According to
Zion Market Research, the plumbing fi xtures
market was valued at $83bn last year, with an
estimated growth of fi ve p er cent a n nua l ly f rom
2018 to 2024, reaching $120bn.”
The Aquazone brand is rapidly increasing
its presence across the project, retail, and
wholesale markets, the company said. The new
one-stop destination offers complete bathroom
solutions, with customer service and technical
solutions (ethylene or propylene glycol, but
also ethanol).
With this new LPHE certifi cation pro-
gramme, Eurovent Certita Certifi cation and
plate heat exchanger manufacturers expect to
r ise t he st a nda rd i n t er ms of a h igher t r a nspa r -
ency and reliability of products on the market.