48 MEP Middle East | N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8
Following the recent spate of UAE visa law reforms, the
mindset of retirement planning must be applied to the built
environment at the federal level
he UAE Cabinet has recently announced
special residency visa privileges for
expatriate retirees who wish to remain
in the countr y after working age. The
announcement of these visas, to be granted to
people that meet certain fi nancial conditions,
has received a largely positive response – and
has sparked discussion about just how much
money one needs to be able to retire and live
comfortably in the UAE.
Rather than get wrapped up in that discussion,
I would instead like to highlight how the example
of for ward-thinking fi nancial planning can be
transferred almost seamlessly into the world of
property management through the operation of
the humble sinking fund.
There are many variables to consider in answer-
ing the question of how much money you might
need when you retire. Where you plan to retire,
your expected age at retirement, and what quality
of life you expect to maintain, will all need to be
taken into consideration.
Similarly, in the property management industr y,
the cost of replacement, and when assets are likely
to reach the end of their life cycle, are important
considerations. And the date by which replacement
will become necessar y will be relatively fi xed,
based on manufacturer’s guidelines, recognised
performance criteria, local operating conditions,
and the level of maintenance that has been ap-
plied during the course of the asset’s operation.
Sinking funds, therefore, attempt to answer
the question of how much capital is required
to allow an asset to ‘retire’ and be replaced. In
this respect, sinking funds can be thought of as
pension funds for buildings, although elements
of properties tend to retire at different points
during the property’s life cycle, rather than the
entire property retiring at once.
The concept of ensuring that funds are
in place to allow for these asset retirements
is similar to a pension plan that provides enough funds
to allow for a person’s retirement. The crucial difference
is that if an individual does not achieve the level of sav-
ings required for retirement, they may need to work a lit-
tle longer, whereas built assets may not necessarily have
this fl exibility.
The risk of not having suffi cient funds in place at the end of a
built asset’s life expectancy is effectively asset failure, which
can potentially have an impact on a property’s function, busi-
ness operations, revenue, and reputation.
The operation of assets beyond their expected life cycle –
successfully or not – is widely seen in the Middle East, and
indeed around the world. However, the reasons for doing so
differ from one location to another. In fact, it is more likely to
be seen in emerging and developing markets due to a lack of
planning, or their relative inexperience in understanding the
necessar y balance between obtaining maximum value from
an asset and mitigating the risk associated with its failure.
Sinking funds mitigate this risk by providing not only a
forecast of the asset’s replacement date – in conjunction with
life cycle cost analyses – but also of the associated replacement
costs, determining how much capital needs to be put aside each
year to ensure that these funds are available when needed.
It should come as no surprise that the operation of a sinking
fund when managing property is considered best practice
and is critical to effective property management. The UAE
already recognises this.
Dubai’s Real Estate Regulator y Authority requires owners’
associations – and, therefore, their appointed agents – to show
sinking fund contributions in ser vice charge budgets. These
contributions must be based on a study of the assets that the
sinking fund is intended to cover.
The mindset of retirement planning now needs to be ap-
plied to the built environment in the UAE at the federal level.
Building pension funds
Matthew Anthony is senior consultant in the Middle East for