MEP Middle East – November 2018

(Martin Jones) #1

50 MEP Middle East | N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8



IDIC is more abused than used in the
region”, a couple of over 40 year’s indus-
tr y veterans in our company have long
maintained this expression and several
of us may agree with this.
One is all too familiar with the pattern of de-
lays (both in progress and payments), disputes,
protracted and expensive resolution processes,
with the Middle East earning the dubious dis-
tinction of rapidly moving up league tables on
these matters.
This article is not intended to point fi ngers or
blame anyone in a construction project. It intends
to express concerns that we share. It attempts to
seek consensus on issues, possible root causes,
potential solutions and, importantly, the collective
and individual roles that all players, from the
developer through to the last link of the supply
chain, play in contributing to improvements.
We are, on the one hand, blessed to be in a
region that continues to see the announcement
and award of several projects of substantial
values. On the other hand, we continue to hear
of projects being stalled, delayed and all partici-
pants being severely impacted. Arguably, when
things go wrong, no-one wins and, the biggest
loser is the project itself. Of course, there are
several positive instances and we will do well to
learn from these too.
Economic cycles and geo-political factors
make for a challenging business environment
and the construction industr y is not immune to
this. These are macro-factors and there is not
much that we can do other than adapting to the
‘new normal’ and focusing our energy and effort
on things that we can control.
Some thoughts below on matters in our minds,
with a suggestion that these are discussed and de-
bated in an appropriate industr y forum towards,
even if gradual, changes and improvements:

  1. All of us will agree on the need for a pro-
    ject to have a viable business case for it to be
    eventually successful in all aspects. Faced with
    the unenviable task of dealing with an ever-
    evolving and dynamic environment, developers
    and funders will be conscious of having to ensure
    a disciplined approach to their feasibility studies,
    budget and funding arrangements. Clause 2.4
    of the FIDIC Red Book (1999 edition) allows
    for the contractor to request and obtain proof
    of fi nancing arrangements from the employer.
    Against current practice of this clause being
    deleted, adaptation of a balanced version of the

sion of time without costs even for reasons out
with the Contractor’s control’ and ‘termination
for convenience’. In fact, even where FIDIC
Conditions are issued as General Conditions,
the Particular Conditions are quite often longer
than the GCOC! Employers’ legal advisors will
be aware of the need to advocate the use of a
balanced set of contract conditions with logical
allocation of risks. Contractors, while, perhaps,
needing to accept part responsibility for past
actions leading to a hardened stance from em-
ployers, could be fi rm while polite in pushing
back against some conditions. As contractors,
we are open to accepting requirements where
they can be priced in with reasonable certainty
or insured and also minimizing qualifi cations in
bids, to facilitate an easier and quicker process.

  1. Contractors’ focus should be on ‘execu-
    tion, execution and execution’! This starts with
    contractors avoiding taking on projects beyond
    their capacity, price under-cutting, unnecessar y
    RFI/Cs to buy time and frivolous or exaggerated
    variation and other claims. This also includes
    ensuring trained and adequate staff and work-
    force, improved productivity, automation and
    timely payment of salaries and fair treatment
    of the supply chain down the line.

  2. Last but not the least, is the need for a col-
    laborative approach with objectives of problem
    avoidance and solving. Some of these are: a
    clear Schedule of Attendances between vari-
    ous contractors; workshops with consultants
    for quick approval of engineering drawings,
    material submittals and variations; RFI/Cs from
    contractors along with suggestions for solutions
    and; NCR/Site Memos/Defects IR signoffs
    by the engineer’s representatives during site
    walks. Establishing and maintaining good re-
    lationships among all project participants, with
    agreed ground rules, pulling together in the
    same direction and avoidance of blame games
    will be of benefi t to all. The establishment of
    an appropriate Industr y forum including an
    ‘ombudsman’ role within it, akin to those in
    advanced environments, will be a step in the
    right direction.
    We are all in the construction industr y for the
    long run and are responsible to our Investors
    and Boards for sustained profi table growth.
    The region offers plenty of opportunities and
    so working together in a collaborative way to
    improve the contracting environment will benefi t
    all players in the industr y.

Prabhakar Kesavan, commercial director, Voltas.

clause may go towards improving discipline and
providing assurance to all.

  1. We know that the design, or pre-construction
    phase, is critical for smooth execution of a project.
    With ‘Build Only’ contracts more prevalent in
    our region, architects and design consultants
    play a crucial role by ensuring the availability
    of an adequately complete design prior to issue
    of tender. This will allow for refi ning budgets,
    arranging funding to suit, competitive bidding,
    apple-for-apple pricing comparison, quick engi-
    neering drawings and material approvals and
    smooth construction progress with fewer changes
    and related impact.

  2. Possibly in response to past disputes, con-
    tract documents and conditions issued by em-
    ployers are increasingly onerous in an apparent
    transfer of risks to contractors. It is not uncom-
    mon that even in ‘Build Only’ contracts, one can
    now see requirements such as ‘contractor to verify
    design and take responsibility for errors’, ‘price to
    allow for both stated and implied requirements’,
    ‘installations to be fi t for purpose’, ‘Contractor
    to be responsible for workmanship and material
    quality issues well beyond Defects Notifi cation
    Period’ and ‘Priority of Documents does not de-
    termine scope and the highest requirement in of
    the documents will apply’. We also come across
    clauses such as ‘no compensation for changes in
    legislation after tender’, ‘no fi nancing charges or
    suspension rights for delayed payments’, ‘limit-
    ing non-responsibility for Consequential Losses
    to the Employer only’, ‘Employer’s assignment
    and novation rights without consent’, ‘exten-

Prabhakar Kesavan, commercial director for Voltas, provides
solutions on working collaboratively


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