MEP Middle East – November 2018

(Martin Jones) #1

8 MEP Middle East | N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8


These transformers will increase the capacity, effi ciency, and

reliability of the electricity distribution network in Dubai

The workshop aimed to raise the awareness of the community and the private

sector on the dangers linked to counterfeit electrical products and appliances, and

the ways to avoid them


Dubai Electricity and Wa-
ter Authority (DEWA) has
awarded contracts to design,
manufacture, test and sup-
ply 11/0.4K V, 1500K VA &
1000K VA Cast Resin Dis-
tribution transformers with
LV S ma r t Meter s to va r ious
leading international trans-
former manufacturers.
The total cost of the
990 transformers is worth
around $25m (AED93m).
T h is supp or t s DE WA’s ongo -
ing efforts to meet various
requirements to expand
the electricity distribution
network, and provide its
services according to the
highest international levels
of effi ciency, reliability, and

HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of DEWA.


The Sharjah Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
(SCCI) recently hosted
a training and awareness
workshop on the topic of
“Combating Commercial
Fraud in Electrical Prod-
ucts,” which was organised
by the Ministry of Economy.
The workshop aimed to
raise the awareness of the
community and the private
sector on the dangers linked
to counterfeit electrical
products and appliances,
and the ways to avoid them.
The workshop is part of

Sharjah Chamber’s com-
mitment to enhance its co-
operation with its strategic
partners to achieve its objec-
tives in serving the national
economy and its keenness

to aware and encourage the
business community and
private sector companies
in Sharjah to combat com-
mercial fraud in electrical
products and reduce their

In line with the direc-
tives of Sultan bin Saeed
Al Mansouri, Minister of
Economy to raise awareness
of consumers and to achieve
the strategic objective of the
Ministry to enable healthy
business practices and con-
sumer protection, WA M re -
Mohamed Ahmed Amin,
Acting Director-General of
the SCCI, stated that the
chamber is keen to sup-
port efforts to combat com-
mercial fraud in electronic

Sharjah Chamber hosts workshop to

counter counterfeit electrical products






Source: London Metal
Exchange prices per tonne

19 October

19 September

19 October

19 September

19 October

19 September



DEWA awards $25m contracts for

990 transformers


These transformers will
increase the capacity, ef-
fi ciency, and reliability of

the electricity distribution
network in Dubai and will
ensure a continuous and
stable supply of power to

all customers. The supply
of these transformers will
be completed by July 2019. 
HE Saeed Mohammed Al
Tayer, MD & CEO of DEWA,
said: “DEWA continues to
implement vital develop-
ment projects in line with
its vision, which is aligned
with federal and local strate-
gies. These include the UAE
Vision 2021, the National
Agenda, the UAE Centennial
2071, Dubai Plan 2021, and
the Smart Dubai initiative.
“We have made signifi cant
achievements and excelled
in our effi ciency, sustain-
ability, and optimal man-
agement of infrastructure
investments, and smart
network operations. In all
our operations, we focus on
availability, reliability, and
effi ciency in our electricity
and water services.”

The SCCI recently hosted a training and awareness workshop.
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