The Venture – June 2018

(Wang) #1
90 per cent of the company’s
employees spend the majority
of their time on job sites, the
technology is revolutionising
their work days, inspiring
employees to innovate more
and more in the way they

“We’re looking at how
we can use the Internet
of Things and the major
disruption revolutions in
technology to benefit our
clients and employees. We
put our employees at the

center of everything we do,
because they are the key to
our success. Initially we will
continue to leverage new
trends in mobile and big data,
and can continue to innovate
these platforms going
forward. Our employees will
have the tools they need to
be great at their jobs,” Banger

John Holland is also creating
innovative solutions for its
clients. Sundrop Farms, a
leader in sustainable farming

in Australia’s arid climate,
awarded the company a
$150m contract to expand
its operations at Port
Augusta. John Holland has
been tasked with designing
and constructing a climate-
controlled glasshouse facility
that will produce tomatoes, no
matter the outside climate—
driving the company to use
next-gen thinking about
how these projects can be

So what makes this project


Artist’s impression of Sundrop Farms

32 | VENTURE Innovation | June 2018
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