Business Spotlight Plus - November-Dezember 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

Business Spotlight PLUS

What have you learned?


GRAMMATIK (pp. 12–13)

  1. I never get ................................... letters these days.
    (A) any (B) some (C) few

  2. ..................................., everyone needs a new challenge in their work.

(A) At some rate (B) At some point (C) At any point

LAND & LEUTE (p. 14)

  1. In Israel, military service is ................................... for women.

(A) compulsory (B) voluntary (C) free


  1. Jacinda Ardern is not the first ................................... leader to become pregnant

while in office.
(A) elective (B) election (C) elected

LESEN & VERSTEHEN (pp. 16–17)

  1. Young people seem to be ................................... to their mobile phones.

(A) engaged (B) addicted (C) consumed

  1. Some children suffer from sleep ....................................
    (A) deprivation (B) deprecation (C) dependence

WORTSCHATZ (pp. 18–19)

  1. We should be able to kick- ................................... the project next month.
    (A) back (B) over (C) start

  2. The goals of the project should be ................................... clear to everyone.
    (A) crystal (B) glass (C) diamond

  3. In order for the project to go ahead, we need to get ...................................-in
    from all the members of the board.
    (A) fill (B) buy (C) sell

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