Business Spotlight Plus - November-Dezember 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
Business Spotlight PLUS

  1. Affirmative or negative
    A. She managed to complete the
    project without any help.
    B. There’s still some money left,
    although it’s not much.
    C. I’m never going to order any
    products from that company
    D. He refused to accept any help.
    E. Apparently, he has some expe-
    rience working in the fashion
    F. I doubt that there is any cham-
    pagne left.

  2. What’s the idiom?
    A–5 (sb. is not having any of it ifml.
    = jmd. will nichts (davon) wissen)
    B–6 (to some extent = teilweise, zum
    C–2 (not be any the wiser = nicht
    klüger sein)
    D–3 (and then some ifml. = und noch
    viele/einige mehr)
    E–7 (any old how = irgendwie,
    einfach so (ohne System))
    F–8 (This is as good a time as any.
    = Es wird später nicht einfacher.)
    G–1 (at some point = irgendwann
    H–4 (It’s all right for some! = Andere
    haben immer Glück!, Deren Glück
    möchte ich haben!)

LAND & LEUTE (p. 14)

  1. Facts and figures
    A–2; B–3; C–1; D–1; E–3 (Most of
    the land is government-owned
    but leased out by the Israel Land
    Authority.); F–1; G–2

  2. Did you know?
    A. True. It was revived at the end
    of the 19th century by Jewish
    immigrants to what was then
    Ottoman Palestine.
    B. False. It is compulsory for both
    men and women (except for
    Arab citizens). A large number
    of Orthodox Jews can delay or
    avoid conscription due to their
    C. True. He was offered it in 1952,
    but he turned it down.
    D. False. It is the tenth largest.
    E. True. The Law of Return was
    passed in 1950.
    F. False. On 19 July 2018, a new law
    was passed proclaiming Hebrew
    as the only official language.
    Arabic, which until then had also
    been an official language, is now
    only a language with “special

G. True. Israel has more than 3,000
such companies, which is the
second-highest number in the
world after the US.
H. False. It means “fit” or “appropri-

Another day in (the) office

  1. Three questions
    A–2; B–1; C–2

  2. True or false?
    A. False. She told them she was just
    pregnant, not incapacitated.
    B. True. It’s near where Jacinda
    Ardern grew up.
    C. True. It is planned to happen by

  3. Similar, but different
    A. exceptional ➔ out of the ordi-
    B. astonished ➔ surprised
    C. went back ➔ returned
    D. to have a baby ➔ to give birth

Another day in (the) office
For Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
of New Zealand, having a baby while
in office was nothing out of the or-
dinary. When she announced her
pregnancy in January of 2018, she
was surprised at the reaction. “I’m
just pregnant, not incapacitated,” she
told the New Zealand news media.
In August, she returned to work
after six weeks of maternity leave.
Although she is not the first national
leader to give birth while in office —
that was Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan
in 1990 — Ardern is the first elected
world leader to take maternity leave.
The prime minister and her partner,
Clarke Gayford, named their baby
daughter Neve Te Aroha. Te aroha is
a Maori word meaning “love” and is
the name of a mountain near where
Ardern grew up.
Ardern says she and Gayford want
Neve to grow up speaking both
English and Maori. Ardern’s Labour
government has announced plans to
have the Maori language taught in all
New Zealand schools by 2025.

LESEN & VERSTEHEN (pp. 16–17)
The power of persuasive design

  1. Match the expressions
    A–5; B–4; C–1; D–6; E–3; F–2

  2. True or false?
    A. False. They spend four hours a
    day just on their phones (lines

B. False. Persuasive design keeps
them addicted (lines 16–17).
C. True. This is according to the
study “Disrupted Childhood”
(lines 22–23).
D. False. 5Rights are calling for that
to happen (lines 25–27).
E. True. Colourful icons reward the
brain (line 33).

  1. Key words
    A. published
    B. moderate = mäßigen
    C. rewarded
    D. fiddle (fiddle with sth. ifml.
    = mit etw. herumspielen)
    E. nagging (nag sb. (with sth.)
    = jmdm. (mit etw.) in den Ohren
    F. recognize

WORTSCHATZ (pp. 18–19)
The language of projects

  1. Use the full verb
    A. fast-track = beschleunigen
    B. streamline = straffen
    C. kick-start = anschieben
    D. carry out = durchführen
    E. oversee = überwachen

  2. In English, please!
    A. This issue clearly lies in/within
    my area of responsibility.
    B. What do you think? Should we
    cancel the meeting on Friday?
    C. I don’t like the presentation. It
    could be much more concise.
    D. We’ve missed something impor-
    (Other translations are possible.)

  3. A weekend of work
    A. go-ahead (get the go-ahead
    (from sb.) ifml. = (von jmdm.)
    grünes Licht bekommen)
    B. eleventh (at the eleventh hour
    = um kurz vor zwölf)
    C. loop (keep sb. in the loop ifml.
    = jmdn. auf dem Laufenden halten)
    D. plates (have too much on one’s
    plate = zu viel um die Ohren haben)
    E. pitch (pitch in ifml. = mit anpacken)
    F. flat (turn sb. down flat ifml.
    = jmdn. komplett abweisen)
    G. hand (lend (sb.) a helping hand
    = (jmdm.) behilflich sein)

  4. Who’s positive?
    A–4; B–1; C–3; D–5; E–2

TEST (pp. 20–21)
What have you learned?
1 – C; 2 –B; 3 –A; 4 –A; 5 – C; 6 –A; 7 –A; 8 – C;
9 – C; 10 –A; 11 – C; 12 –A; 13 –B; 14 –A;
15 – C; 16 –B; 17 –A; 18 – C; 19 –A; 20 –B
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