GET MONEY – August 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1


How Important Is Money

On A Day-To-Day Basis?

By Jonathan Ynoa
[email protected], @Jon_Ynoa

VERY! YES! Money is certainly very
important on a day-to-day basis. Some
people want to go through life and some-
what downplay the importance of money,
because “money isn’t everything” or “money
doesn’t make you happy”. But you can’t sit
here and try to convince me that money
doesn’t make you feel protected or insured
at all times. Every day, money is used to
survive. Every day, money is used for the
basics and amenities of life. Money is used
for food, transportation, investments, busi-
nesses, $ights, schools, and so on goes the
list. Money can make an impact in someone’s
life immediately. Although some say that it’s
a sad statement, but the world does revolve
around money.

Running a fun and happy life comes with not
having to unduly stress. Things that happen
to build stress on a day-to-day basis are
having to work, paying bills, paying mort-
gages and so on. Ask yourself: What is the
purpose of a person going in to work every
day for 8 hours or more? Is it to get their
reward (otherwise known as their check), to
then just pay all the bills? How many people
do we see do this same routine daily and
actually become successful—or I should
say #nancially independent? NONE! So why
don’t we learn from our parents and other
people around us? Why don’t we learn from
others mistakes and adapt ourselves into a
much more comfortable and lavish life? If an
individual were to be #nancially indepen-
dent, do you think they would be working?
No. Absolutely not. Do you think they would
be stressing? No. Absolutely not. And most
people don’t know that it can all change
with the change of a mindset.

If you understand the concept of building a
successful business, you’ll be able to gener-
ate a good amount of wealth for your own
life. Don’t you want to make sure your kids
aren’t stressing about their college tuition?
Don’t you want to make sure your mom isn’t
working anymore? Don’t you want to be able
to protect yourself? Don’t you want to be
able to protect your family? Don’t you want
to make sure they’re eating good every day?
The point I am really trying to make here is
that you need to be in a good spot #nancial-
ly to be able to have all that stu" secured.
When involved in business you have to be 5
steps ahead. You have to be business savvy.
The thing that’s holding these individuals
back is the lack of con#dence to invest in
themselves. Most people are not willing to
take a big risk and put themselves in that
position. Invest in yourself and take the risk,
or don’t invest in yourself and by the time
you’re 50, you’re living with regrets. Here
comes the “I could’ve done this, I could’ve
done that” excuse. Don’t waste time! Believe
in yourself and take that leap of con#dence
as early as possible. Nothing can hold you
back once you have your mind towards it.
The only person that can stop me is me. I am
only 20 years young with an extraordinary
vision. What makes me so powerful is that I
am willing to do whatever it takes to get to
where I want to be... $10 million dollars...

Jonathan Ynoa is a young entrepreneur who has recently
written his #rst book, Simply Successful: A Young Adult’s
Guide To Success. He can be contacted by e-mail at
[email protected], and on social media



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