Obviously, what all of this
indicates is that if you want to
survive in this new world of work
you have to take control of your
destiny, because Mom, Dad, and the
company can no longer do it for you.
You will now have to market
yourself on the sea of social media.
This is a good thing because it will
force you to explore your persona and
skill set in a way that you have never
done before. Everyone has a unique
skill, but many people spend their
entire lives trying to #gure out what
that is, and many never do. The
consequence of this is that they live
unful#lled and #nancially
insecure lives working at jobs that they will never master. It’s a fact
that those who are doing what they are good at and enjoy have more
ful#lling careers, and are more #nancially secure, than those that don’t.
The process to develop your personal brand is one of introspection.
The exercise of self-discovery begins with taking an aptitude test to
begin to unravel what your unique skill really is. Simultaneously, you
need to determine your persona along with the personality traits of
others, so that you can know yourself better and work more e"ectively
with others, by taking a personality pro#le exam.
Once this is done and with this information, you need to re$ect on
three key words that describe you. Share these words with others
whose advice you value. Once you have them you then need to polish
them into your unique value proposition. For example I am: an author,
educator, and brand builder.
With this basic foundation you can then move on to marketing
yourself more e"ectively. You should even build your own website
wherein you can expand on what you have to o"er as an individual
entrepreneur, as well as a valuable prospective employee. Once that
is done then you need to explore all the social media platforms to
determine which are best for you to tell the world that you exist. Don’t
procrastinate – DO IT!
Robert M. Donnelly is an author, educator, and
brand builder for businesses and individuals. His
corporate life was spent in executive positions
with IBM, P#zer, and EXXON. Then, as the CEO
for several U.S. subsidiaries of foreign
multinational #rms. Professor Donnelly is on
the faculty of Saint Peters University, as well as
Rushmore University, a global online university.
His latest book is: Personal Brand Planning For
Life , available on Amazon. He also functions as
an Interim Executive.
[email protected]