Vocable All English – 18 Octobre 2018

(Tuis.) #1

(^22) • VOCABLE Du 18 au 31 octobre 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Enjeux I Industrie musicale I E TAT S - U N I S I  B2-C1
Music in video games is big business
The music industry has been in crisis for many years. The Internet has had a big impact, completely transforming the market,
with sales for actual discs in free fall since 2002. Ofers for access to legal streaming and uploading have not made up for the
decline in sales. And now, one solution for musicians and producers has emerged in a completely diferent industry...video games!


ideo games have not only helped
the music industry survive, but

thrive on entirely new levels,” Steve Schnur

tells me. As the worldwide executive and

president of music at game publisher EA, his

team – many of whom have been profes-

sional musicians and singer/songwriters –

work with some of the biggest music acts in

the world, licensing music for video game

series like Fifa, Madden NFL, Need for Speed

and NHL.

  1. Since the 90s, when licensed music became

prevalent in games, series such as Tony Hawk’s


Pro Skater, Grand Theft Auto and Wipeout have
become just as well-known for their soundtracks
as they are for their gameplay. For millions of
people, video games have been a way to dis-
cover new favourite bands or dive into other
musical genres. And because people discover
this music while playing a game they love, they
develop a strong emotional attachment to it. 


  1. Video games are now an essential part of
    marketing plans for musicians and managers.
    The Fifa soundtracks, for instance, are viewed

as one of the foremost annual showcases for
international artists today. “We often begin
working on a soundtrack almost a year in ad-
vance, trying to identify new music we believe
will deine the sound of the coming season,”
Schnur says. 

  1. “We knew that video games could become
    what MTV and commercial radio had once
    been in the 80s and 90s. Any given song in Fifa
    19 – whether it’s a new track by an established
    act or the debut of an unknown artist – will be
    heard around the world nearly 1bn times.

  2. to thrive, thrived or throve, thrived or thriven to
    lourish, prosper / worldwide global, international /
    executive director, senior employee / publisher producer
    / songwriter person who writes lyrics or music for a song,
    or both / act artist, musician, singer.

  3. prevalent common / such as like (for example) /

soundtrack accompanying music / way manner, means
of / band (musical) group / to dive into here, to discover /
while at the same time as.

  1. to be part of to be an integral aspect of / plan here,
    strategy / for instance for example / to view here, to
    consider /

foremost most important, principal / showcase
platform, medium / almost nearly.

  1. any given no matter which / whether it’s [...] i f i t ’ s [.. .]
    / track here, song / established here, well-known,
    reputable, famous / debut irst title / around throughout
    / nearly almost / bn = billion (one thousand million) /

The Fifa soundtracks are viewed as
one of the foremost annual
showcases for international artists
today. (Martin Meissner/AP/SIPA)
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