AsiaOne – August 2018

(vip2019) #1
Your name has often been associated
with ‘Dark is Beautiful’ campaign.
Please share your experiences as a
part of this campaign.

The Dark is Beautiful campaign was
launched by an organization called
Women of Worth, headed by Kavitha
Emmanuel. Many think that I started
the campaign, but in fact, that’s
not true. I am so glad that such a
campaign was launched and that I was
able to add my voice to it. The issue
impacts so many people, young girls in
particular, and by default I somehow
became a champion of it!
I first heard about Women of

Making a


with her

Voice &



Armed with a Masters in Social Work from

the University of Delhi and having worked

with various NGOs, before she forayed into


is an ardent advocate of social issues.
As the Chairperson of the Children’s

Film Society, India, she made many

big and small changes to revamp

the organization and has written,

directed and acted in the play,
‘Between the Lines’ that deals

with gender inequalities. The

play has garnered a lot of

praise from both, critics and

audiences alike




Worth and Dark is Beautiful in 2013,
when Kavitha contacted me about
lending my support to the campaign.
Discrimination against dark skin is
rampant across class, geography,
and even gender. The imagery all
around us perpetuates and promotes
the stereotype of fairness being an
aspiration or an improvement on dark
skin. While this issue has always been
around, I had not given it focused
attention till I started supporting the
campaign. The issue of dark skin
would always pop up in the many
things I did but it didn’t take centre
stage. I was more concerned with
other, what I thought were ‘bigger’
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