AsiaOne – August 2018

(vip2019) #1



How important do you think is the
role of ‘opportunity’ in our lives?

I think those of us who have been
in a position in life where we got
opportunity and work, therefore able
to make something out of our lives owe
it to the rest of us who have been either
denied that opportunity or never had
that opportunity to begin with. In any
society we must all strive for and aim
for equal opportunity and sometimes
to expect that the government of the
day can do that is a bit much and
therefore I feel philanthropic efforts
can really help.

Whom do you think should be held
accountable for bridging the gap
between the haves and the have

Because people can bridge the gap, the
gap between what needs to be done and
what the government can do in terms
of its capacity and that gap between
what needs to be done and what the
limitations are of the government or

the capacity of the government must
be filled by the philanthropic route
and it should be because there are so
many people who have made lives out
of the great opportunity that they got
and perhaps if they had not got that
opportunity, these people would have
been a little different.

Please share with our readers the
ways through which you aim to
bring about a positive change in
the lives of those who need it the

It was this thought that let me to set
up The Colonel Shamsher Singh
Foundation and the idea was to work
towards creating equal opportunity in
the area of Gender. Again Gender is a
very very vast subject and the purpose
of this conversation I want to confine
it to opportunity. Ultimately, the aim
is to make sure that women have the
same opportunity in all spheres that
men do and thereafter what they
choose to do with that opportunity is
anybody’s guess and the same holds

true for men.

How important do you think
philanthropy is, in the Indian

I think it’s an important responsibility
we have on our shoulders to give back
to society especially when society like
ours being a developing country is not
able to give equal opportunity in the
Because we don’t have equal
opportunity, we don’t have a level
playing field; it becomes even more
important for those of us who have
been lucky enough, who have got such
an opportunity in their lives and make
something of their life, to do whatever
they can to give back so like I said
Aranya Foundation, I use my personal
and public platforms at any given point
of time to try and push this one thought
that we are where we are in life perhaps
not because of our talent, in a country
like India, but largely on account of
the accident of birth and therefore, the
opportunities that we got.




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