ICICIdirect Money Manager – July 2019

(Grace) #1

Choose your Investments Wisely!

yourself and by what amount.
If yes, you may go ahead with
the ULIP of your choice to keep
things convenient and simple.
Having said that, if you need a
higher life cover, then taking a
term plan separately would
make sense, as in a ULIP, most
of your premium will be
diverted to mortality charges
and lesser amount would go
into investment. If you do not
require insurance cover, it is
recommended that choose
mutual funds as your
investment vehicle.

Since you plan to invest in
equity oriented mutual fund, it
is prudent that you stagger your
purchases over a period of
time, say 9-12 months, for
various reasons: avoid
investing at peak value;
average out your purchase
price; take advantage of short-
term volatility associated with
Equity. Starting a SIP will help
you achieve the same.
Alternatively, you can park
entire amount in a debt oriented
category of mutual fund –
Liquid or Ultra-Short Duration –

Q. I have an idle cash of Rs. 2, 00,
0 00 left with me. There is no
present goal that I have in mind. I
have thought of 2 investment route
but a little confused where to park
this money? Either in HDFC equity
mutual fund or ICICI Prudential Life
time classic ULIP plan?
a. If I choose MF as investment I
want to know that putting it as lump
sum would give me more profits or
giving part of that 2,00,000 every
month in name of SIP would give
me better returns?
b. For the ULIP plan going a one-
time investment of 2, 00,000 or
paying monthly premiums would be
better? Please elaborate and
suggest for better option.

  • Patrick Perera

A. While Mutual Funds act as
pure investment vehicles,
ULIPs offer you insurance
cover as well as act as an
investment. Both mutual funds
& ULIPs give you option to
invest either in Equity or Fixed
In c o m e ( D e b t ) o r a
combination of both asset
classes. Evaluate whether you
need life insurance cover



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