Old Cars Weekly – 05 September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
30 ❘ September 05, 2019 http://www.oldcarsweekly.com


othing beats a failure
but a try.” Now there’s
an obscure adage. In
my fairly long lifetime,
I’ve only known a cou-
ple folks who’ve said
that. One was Rick Richards, an
accomplished body man whom I
worked for as a kid. If he’s up there

watching, he’s probably shaking
his head.
Since relocating to northwest-
ern Montana, I’ve been led to a
number of older wrecking yards.
They’re out here, so whenever I
can help friends with hard-to-fi nd
parts, I’m on it. For quite some time
a friend in California had been on

thehuntfora non-rodded’32 Ford
frame. I found it, got it to him and it
worked out very well.
More recently, a friend was in
need of a left rear bumper end for
his ’55 Cadillac. I found that, too.
Before it was pulled from the sal-
vage car, I looked it over and felt it
under, but somehow in the weeds

Can a ’55 Cadillac

bumper end be saved?


BumpEr End


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