Golf Asia – July 2019

(lily) #1

Changi Golf Club Dispenses With Dressing Decorum

No Dress Code Golf Day


hen it’s said that clothes maketh
the man, it is especially so in
sports, where the dress code and
decorum matters almost as much as the
rules. Sartorially speaking in golf, if one were
to mention Old Tom Morris, one would think
tweed coat and tie. Bobby Jones and Walter
Hagen lost the coat but not the tie. By the
time of Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus,
ties were replaced with tees... shirts that is,

which pretty much defines the golf outfit
of the modern era, apart from the stylistic
changes through the years.
And to ensure every golfer is dressed
appropriately for the game, every golf
club worth its salt would have its dress
code prominently displayed on a notice
board in it’s changing room. So what if
we dare break with tradition for just a day,
would chaos rule over common sense?

The chaps at Changi Golf Club decided
to give it a shot, and so they made Saturday
1 June 2019 a "no dress code" golf day.
Almost anything went, except the golf
shoes of course, for safety reasons. More
than half the golfers who came to play that
first day of June at Changi Golf Club wore
something deliberately different.
There were men who came in round-
neck tees, board shorts, jeans and even


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