Golf Asia – July 2019

(lily) #1

tank tops. Casual comfort was obviously
the rule of thumb, or lack of, for the
men; while the ladies were way more
fashionable... and with a more varied
wardrobe that flaunted denim blouses,
lycra tops, and bell bottoms too!
Asked about the rationale for this "No
Dress Code Golf Day", CGC's President
Dr B K Nair responded, “There must
be something you'd like to wear for
a round of golf but was unable to or
disallowed to.”
And according to Changi’s Golf
Captain Mr Roger Lee, this special day is
not just about the dress code, "it is about
how golf can be more relaxed, more
inclusive and more relevant to the current,
as well as future young golfers."
In a bid to arrest certain mindsets and
make the game more accessible and fun,
Changi Golf Club sought to re-engineer
and re-calibrate the game of golf to attract
today's youth, young professionals and
working adults. Golf’s dress code may
be perceived to be inflexible, and Changi
Golf Club’s No Dress Code Golf Day
is probably and hopefully the start to
breaking these barriers.
"It is all in the spirit of merry-making and
breaking the ice," Mr Edwin Foo, a CGC
member who even came in a bandana,
asked, "can we do it again soon?"

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