Golf Asia – July 2019

(lily) #1
From tee to green, discover the techniques and approach
that Rory McIlroy hopes will take him to a major in his
home country... and what you can learn from them



his July, Northern Ireland will welcome
back a prodigious son as Ulsterman and
World No.4 Rory McIlroy heads to Royal
Portrush in search of a second Open
Championship victory.
Young, super-talented and athletic, Rory may seem
to possess a game on another planet from yours and
ours. And yet there is so much about his approach
to golf that we can learn from and copy. For starters
he’s kept with the same coach, Michael Bannon,
throughout his career; to have someone to call on who
knows your game inside out is a massive advantage,
and a straightforward choice any one of us can make.
Then there is his belief in and devotion to the
game’s fundamentals, the same set-up building
blocks that need no talent or athleticism to perfect. His
clear preference for playing reactively with instinct – as
opposed to a stifling search for technical perfection



TaylorMade’s Tour Manager
(Europe) works closely with
Rory to make sure he’s
playing the best 14 clubs
and ball for his game

Top 50 coach based at
Archerfield Performance
Centre, East Lothian.
3D biomechanics
and junior development

  • is another lesson we can all learn from and adopt.
    Then there is his equipment. Customising his gear
    to shave every possible shot off a round of golf has
    helped Rory become the phenomenal golfer we all
    love to watch... and, once more, it’s something any
    golfer can do.
    Make no mistake, we all have plenty we can take
    from Rory’s game... and over the next 10 pages,
    coach Oliver Morton and TaylorMade’s Tour Manager
    (Europe) Adrian Rietveld dissect his technique and
    equipment through the bag to show you how you can
    benefit from his approach.
    Afterwards, Rory shares his thoughts on returning
    to Portrush, a course on which he shot 61 as a
    16-year-old. It’s quite a story... and after hearing
    how positive and confident he is as the 148th Open
    approaches, who would bet against him creating
    another this summer?

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