Scale aviation modeller international

(Barré) #1
of artist’s oils down the wing ribs,
then a darker brown on the upper
green areas. I wiped the paint
down with mineral spirits, and
I thought it created a wonderful
swept look. I especially liked
the way it clung to the panels on
the wing ribs. I then added some

light grey to the recessed areas
of the fuselage, as I wanted these
details to pop out and be visible.
The next phase in building
actually had me worried. I had
kept the wings separate to make
painting and applying the decals an
easier process. But now I needed to
add the top section to the bottom.
I first attached the four struts
that connect to the fuselage (Parts
H40, 41, 42, and 43), then placed the
top wing into the four connecting
slots. Once they were in place, I
carefully added dabs of Tamiya
Extra Thin Cement to the contact
points and left the R-1 to sit on its
wheels for a few moments to dry.
While I was waiting I prepared
the next wing braces that would

be fitted closest to the fuselage.
Working slowly and carefully,
I was able to fit all the braces
together in about 10 minutes.
Again applying the Tamiya
Extra Thin to the corners, the
model impressively stood there
with both wings attached.
On Page 12, Section 10, of the
instruction manual there is a
picture of the Ninak sitting in
the empty box, which was being
used as a frame to keep the wings
in a proper shape while it dried.
I admit I was nervous to try this,
but I carefully stationed my R-
(holding my breath the entire

time), and brilliantly the model
sat there perfectly stable, where
I left it to dry overnight. I tip my
hat to whoever at Wingnut Wings
came up with that clever idea.
Now I was looking forward
to the rigging. I understand that
the thought of rigging a WWI
model is very daunting to a lot of

Light layers of XF-65 Field Grey. Blending the
colors together, creating a faded canvas

Tape to keep the control surfaces level

First layer XF-67 NATO Green

Faded canvas in between wing spars XF-
Yellow Green


014-21-FEAT-Ninak-0618.indd 18 11/05/2018 15:

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