Scale aviation modeller international

(Barré) #1
in the kit are from 311 squadron
a unit manned by Czech pilots.
The other options are for aircraft
from 224 Squadron, 160 Squadron,
200 Squadron, 354 Squadron, 10
Squadron Royal Canadian Air Force
and the last example from the
Northwest Air Command Canada.
The decal sheet for all of these
options on this large four engine
aircraft is surprisingly small,
with not too many stencils!
Now, what you get in the
box I am sure would satisfy a
lot of us modellers, but just in
case you do want more Eduard
have delivered, with some
extra photo-etched brass and
several Brassin sets, a selection
of which we have been sent.

672 178 B-24 turbo-chargers
672 172 British 250ib depth charges
672 177 B-24 bomb bay rocket projectors
672 183 B-24 bomb bay doors

73627 Liberator GR Mk.V upgrade set

These extra Brassin sets along
with the photo-etch upgrade
set will certainly raise the bar
of your finished model, with
perhaps the turbochargers being
the most visible and necessary
of the upgrades on your finished
model. All of the upgrades will

be available from Eduard as a
Bigsin set which will save you a
few pennies if you really want
to go to town on your model.
The kit looks good in the box
and I am sure would build a nice
model out of the box from what
is supplied. But as always if you
want to add more detail Eduard

give you that opportunity, so
at the end of the day it is up to
you to decide if what is supplied
is enough or whether you want
to go that extra mile and treat
yourself to the Brassin goodies!
If you fancy this kit you
will need to be quick as Eduard
Limited Edition kits have a

habit of selling out fast!
My thanks to Eduard for
supplying us with a sample
of this Limited-Edition




040-43-FirstLooks-0618.indd 42 11/05/2018 16:02

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