aviation - the past, present and future of flight

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Gripen as a new fighter to replace the ageing
F-5 Tiger II. As a result, the existing Hornet
fleet’s hours are being stretched.
A potential US Foreign Military Sale
(FMS) transaction approved in August last
year, and valued at $115m, will give the
F/A-18s a mid-life update beyond the Link 16
addition and Upgrade 21. New equipment
would include Rockwell Collins ARC-210/RT-
1990A radios, with NATO Saturn frequency-
hopping capabilities, a Joint Helmet-Mounted
Cueing System, night-vision cueing
displays and ADS-B reporting. The existing
Raytheon APG-73 radar would have software
enhancements, with spares for the ALQ-165
jammer sets also included.
Since the beginning of Swiss Hornet
operations, there has been a constant
exchange of pilots both to and from the US
Navy. Some Swiss pilots have even become
carrier-qualified, but obviously never officially
deployed, as Switzerland remains a strictly
neutral country.
Swiss Hornet aircrew have also
exchanged to Dassault Mirage 2000
squadrons in Dijon and Luxeuil, France, and
to fly the Gripen in Sweden.
One of the issues Switzerland has with
operating American fighter jets is the way
the US insists on having an administrative
control of its export sales. Procedures dictate
that avionics containing encryption and
satellite navigation instrumentation, as well
as missile technology, are kept locked away
at all times when the Hornets are not flying.
The Swiss Air Force, therefore, has
to send its own security teams when the
F/A-18s fly abroad. These procedures are
frequently audited and occasionally practised
with deployments to Geneva or Zürich
international airports, where the pilot has
to maintain guard of his own aircraft until
security arrives.

http://www.aviation-news.co.uk 31

Top: In the early 2000s, Dübendorf still housed fighter jets. The advantage of the naval concept
wing-folding Hornet was that it also saved space at a regular airfield.
Above: Two 17 Sqn Hornets departing Payerne airfield’s Runway 05 in the west of Switzerland.
Below: An F/A-18C seen over mountainous terrain in central Switzerland during a dawn patrol.

28-33_swiss_hornetsDC.mfDC.indd 31 05/02/2018 12:56

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