aviation - the past, present and future of flight

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


he ‘Kangaroo Route’ is one of
the most historic and storied air
journeys in the world. However,
despite the pioneering work by
Qantas from the 1930s, it took the innovative
and cutting-edge Lockheed Constellation to
enable the carrier to operate the service in its
own right.
The distance between Australia and the
rest of the world meant that Qantas Empire
Airways had long been on a quest to connect
nations separated by land, oceans and
thousands of miles.
The journey by sea from Britain took
at least three weeks and ships were often
overcrowded. Advanced bookings were
quickly taken up by government allocations
for the emigrants, most of whom travelled

tourist class.
But the movement of people also
led some business travellers, as well as
the wealthy, to turn to the airlines as a
viable alternative. Qantas had long been
established on overseas air  ghts. Founded
in late 1920, the operator quickly pioneered
long-duration  ying. But on the ‘Kangaroo
Route’ it relied on a partnership with BOAC
(Imperial Airways) to connect Australia to the
The partnership saw Qantas aircraft
operating  ights as far as Asia, where
passengers connected to British aircraft for
the onward journey.

Aviation technology had advanced
signi cantly since World War One, and
the airline was eager to bene t from
improvements in aircraft design, with
developments made by the USA’s Lockheed
Corporation showing potential.
The manufacturer had been working on
a long-range, pressurised aircraft since the
1930s. Designated the L-044 Excalibur,
the four-engined design was of particular
interest to Pan American World Airways –
but it lacked capabilities to offer the long-
range, non-stop services desired by many
TWA, under the direction of Howard
Hughes, requested a longer-range, high
capacity airliner in 1939. Lockheed
responded with the development of the L-049



Chris Frame considers how the Lockheed

Constellation transformed Qantas operations.

42 Aviation News incorporating Jets March 2018


Above: Constellation L-1049E Southern Wind
was delivered to Qantas in 1955 and  ew with
the airline until 1963. zoggavia collection

42-46_prop_quantasDC.mfDC.mfDC.mfDC.mf.indd 42 05/02/2018 14:52

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