‘Flying Sabre 18’ ended on
July 20, with a formation fl ight
over Croatia’s capital Zagreb
performed by some of the
participants, including HRZ
MiG-21bisD serial 116 and RAF
Typhoon FGR4 ZJ924. This was
the fi rst such joint exercise
involving RAF and HRZ aircraft.
HRZ via author
maiden ights of the rst AH-64E
and CH-47F for India on July 27.
The ights respectively took place
at Boeing’s facilities in Mesa,
Arizona and near Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. India ordered
22 Apache Guardian combat
helicopters and 15 Chinook
transport helicopters in 2015 at a
cost of around $3 billion. In 2017,
the government of India agreed
to purchase a second batch of six
AH-64Es at a cost of $654.6 million.
Delivery of both types will begin in
- Tom Kaminski
THE FIRST TWO Pilatus PC-21 aircraft
for the Royal Australian Air Force
(RAAF)’s Roulettes acrobatic display
team arrived in Australia on July 21.
The trainers arrived in Darwin from
Kupang, Indonesia at the conclusion
of a ferry ight that began in Stans,
Switzerland. They were delivered
to their new home at RAAF Base
East Sale on July 23. The PC-21s are
replacing the team’s current Pilatus
PC-9/As, which have been in service
since 1989. The RAAF is acquiring
49 PC-21s as replacements for its
PC-9/A and CT-4B Airtrainer eets
under its project AIR 5428 pilot
training system. The rst group of
six PC-21s was accepted in August
- Tom Kaminski
THE FIRST L159T2 for the Czech
Air Force made its maiden ight
on August 2 at Aero Vodochody’s
facilities outside Prague. In 2016
the Czech Air Force ordered
three twin-seat L-159T2 aircraft
with several upgrades to ful ll
operational missions and advanced
jet training. The L-159T2s are
expected to be delivered to the
21st Tactical Air Force Base at
Čáslav before the end of this year.
The successful rst ight of
L-159T2 serial 6028, piloted by Aero
test pilots Vladimír Kvarda and
David Jahoda, lasted 30 minutes.
These new T2 twin-seat aircraft
have newly built central and
forward fuselages, and several
signi cant improvements, mostly
in the cockpit and the fuel system.
They are fully NVG-compatible.
Each cockpit is equipped with
two multi-function displays
and upgraded versions of the
VS-20 ejection seat. The aircraft
is adapted to o er a pressure
refueling capability. The Grifo
radar, commonly used in the
single-seat version, is now
also integrated in the dual-
seat L-159T2.
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for
Fiscal Year 2019 contains a provision
that blocks the transfer of Lockheed
Martin F-35A ghters to Turkey. The
block will go into e ect 90 days after
the NDAA is enacted unless congress
the Secretary of Defense provides a
report that includes, among other
requirements, an assessment of the
potential counter-intelligence risks
that Turkey’s purchase of the Russian
S-400 surface-to-air missile system
will cause. Tom Kaminski
Aero Vodochody/Martin Mamula
Wearing the test registration N4801A (serial 15-4801) the fi rst AH-64E
for India carried out its fi rst fl ight on July 27 at Boeing’s Mesa, Arizona,
production and fl ight-test facility. Boeing
N4801A (c/n M2401), the fi rst CH-47F for India, carried out its initial fl ight
at Boeing’s Philadelphia facility on July 27. The Chinook will be delivered
during 2019. Boeing
http://www.combataircraft.net // October 2018 19