milestone events on May
4: the o cial opening of its
new service life modi cation
(SLM) facility in St Louis,
Missouri, and the induction
of the rst high-hour Block II Super
Hornet — an F/A-18E — into this
program. Boeing executives, including
Boeing Defense president and CEO
Dennis Muilenburg and US Navy RADM
Michael T. Moran, the program executive
o cer for tactical aircraft programs,
were present to mark the event. The
SLM facility is a boon for the St Louis
area. Along with new Super Hornet
production and upgrades, it ensures
that jobs are safe through the mid-to-
late 2020s and underscores a signi cant
commitment by the navy to maintain
the Super Hornet’s strike ghter
supremacy out past 2040. A second SLM
line is being prepared in San Antonio,
Texas, and it will begin receiving aircraft
in 2019 as SLM runs out through scal
year 2028.
Service life modification
The navy awarded Boeing a $73-million
inde nite-delivery contract on March 1,
2018, to extend the lives of the rst four of
some 350 F/A-18E/F Block II Super Hornets
from their originally designed 6,000
ight hours to 9,000 hours. The contract
also included provision to upgrade
the aircraft with new Block III-standard
capabilities. The so-called SLM program
is broadly similar to a traditional service
life extension program (SLEP), but it goes
further, as RADM Moran explains. ‘[SLM] is
a unique modi cation program. Normally,
what we’ve done in the navy is do
structural [work] — what we call a service
life extension program or SLEP — to
extend the life of the airplane. Here, we’re
going to do that, but we are also going
to do material reconditioning of all of
our sub-systems, so electrical, hydraulics.
As Boeing inducts the fi rst Super Hornet into its service life modernization program and opens a
new upgrade facility in St Louis, Combat Aircraft analyzes the latest status of the F/A-18E/F.
REPORT Brad Elward
Many of the Block
III confi guration
modifi cations
in Boeing’s
Advanced Super
Hornet concept
unveiled in
August 2013.
Block III includes
conformal fuel
tanks (CFTs),
which mount
onto the upper
fuselage and add
some 3,500lb of
fuel. Boeing
44 October 2018 //^ http://www.combataircraft.net