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Array, the SRVL Array is a set of visual
aids on the deck that the pilot must line
up with the HMD symbology. Wilson
says that aligning the two is “tricky”.
While proving out the SRVL modelling
isn’t a focus of the initial embarkation,
Wilson says if the conditions are right, there
may be a chance for an early look at this.
In addition, the ski jump will also
feature on every launch. Wilson says
the F-35 suits the ski jump well: “it’s a
very straightforward manoeuvre
for the pilot.”

Peters adds a little more detail: “We’ll start
off in the heart of the flight envelope for the
aircraft and the ship, with fairly nominal
winds down the deck and steady ship
motion. But, by the time we’ve completed
the third phase of testing in 2019 we will
have flown in up to sea state 6 with 50kts
of wind over the deck, with big crosswinds
and the ship pitching and rolling.”
The first embarkation in September is
designed to provide sufficient clearances
to enable the declaration of UK IOC.
The second phase will give ‘initial fleet

clearances’, while the third is expected
to pave the way for ‘full capability’.
“We’ve been working on this for
years,” Peters sums up. “Our simulator
at Warton has full ship integration and
it’s played a large part in the pilot and
LSO [landing signals officer] training
and the core prediction work.
“The QEC and UK weapons work is
where we are all focused to build on that
baseline SDD. For the UK now it’s all
about the new maritime capability and
expanding our combat potential.”

ABOVE: The first-of-class flight trials (FOCFT) on HMS ‘Queen Elizabeth’ will initially see a pair
of ITF F-35Bs embarked aboard the carrier. Crown Copyright LEFT: The F-35B achieved its first
ski-jump take-off carrying a typical UK weapons load-out of four Paveway IVs and two ASRAAMs
at Patuxent River on August 3, 2017, as part of the second phase of ski-jump development
flying. The jet was flown by BAE Systems test pilot Peter ‘Wizzer’ Wilson. US Navy/Arnel Parker

RIGHT: The initial test work on HMS ‘Queen
Elizabeth’ will involve the F-35Bs performing
a side step to vertical landing on the deck.
Lockheed Martin/Andy Wolfe
LEF T: A fine aerial view of HMS ‘Queen
Elizabeth’ shortly after sailing from Rosyth
in June 2017. Crown Copyright

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