(やまだぃちぅ) #1


in the supply chain. Around 15% by value
of each of the more than 3,000 F-35 aircraft
projected on the programme is manufactured
in the UK and, to date, has generated about
$13bn in contracts for British suppliers.”
While low-observable and first-line
maintenance will be carried out at Marham,
arrangements for the UK’s depot-level F-35
work is still being ‘worked through’. The
F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) nominated
the Final Assembly and Check-Out (FACO)
facility at Cameri in Italy for airframe
servicing. Turkey has been given the approval
to build Pratt & Whitney F135 engines under
licence and was also selected as the first
European engine depot overhaul facility.

The move to maritime
“Ever since aircraft first operated to and
from ships, the Royal Navy has been at the
forefront of maritime aviation and the arrival
of our first F-35Bs in the UK today, flown
by both RAF and Fleet Air Arm pilots, is
another important milestone on the way to
restoring our place as leaders in the field of
aircraft carrier operations,” commented First
Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Philip Jones. “Once
combined with our new aircraft carriers,
HMS Queen Elizabeth and her sister ship
HMS Prince of Wales, these extraordinary
jets will sit at the heart of our country’s
globally deployable expeditionary forces and
provide the potent conventional deterrent
we need to ensure our national security.”
With first-of-class sea trials for the F-35B
aboard the HMS Queen Elizabeth planned
for the autumn, No 17 TES is scheduled to
engage in a period of operational testing
aboard the carrier in autumn 2019 as

ABOVE: All four F-35Bs cycled their Lift-Fan systems once parked on the  ight line. Jamie Hunter
BELOW: Lt Cdr Adam Hogg shuts down and opens the canopy as engineers begin servicing the
aircraft. Jamie Hunter

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