(やまだぃちぅ) #1


the wings due to training requirements,
Tidball warned: “The more you hang on the
pylons the more your stealthiness reduces.
If the threat is high we’ll likely carry
everything internally. In more permissive
environments we can carry stores externally.”
Stressing the true multi-role capabilities
of the F-35, he said: “You can transition
from an air-to-surface to an air-to-air
mission literally at the flick of a switch on
the HOTAS [hands on throttle and stick].
My flight today included a trial looking at
target location offset errors in the EOTS
[Electro-Optical Targeting System]. I
was looking at zoom modes, track modes
and ranges that will be best to develop
co-ordinates suitable to employ weapons
on. Our R-2508 airspace is busy, so I’ve
got one screen on the display for looking at

the target area, plus another map looking
out to 60 miles around me for any traffic.
“I can look out from the target box and in the
helmet for any traffic cues, and see immediately
if we have a confliction. I’m very comfortable
that even if I’m looking for a target, the F-35
is monitoring for any pop-up air threats, so I
can very quickly make a tactical decision as to
whether I need to stop prosecuting the target
and deal with the air threat, or whether I can
continue with the target and then transition.”

IOT&E and carrier focus
One of the major events on the horizon for
the squadron is the start of formal Initial
Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E)
for the F-35. This is an 18-month effort
across the JOTT team at Edwards that

has been delayed by the late clearance of
Block 3F by the development test team.
For the ‘Black Knights’ it’s a case of playing
a key role in this as well as handling the
UK-specific test elements that need to
be addressed. “We aren’t supposed to
understand the mission ahead of time, but
the rehearsals help the White Force refine
their plan to help achieve all of the test
objectives and maximise the stressing of the
aeroplane. Ultimately, we are trying to be as
operationally representative as possible.”
Cdr Tidball comes from a recent posting
with US Navy Air Test and Evaluation
Squadron (VX) 9 ‘Vampires’, with
which he flew the Super Hornet. He
calls the F-35 “another step ahead”.
“The F-35 mission systems, the sensor
fusion, the single picture you are

Wg Cdr (now Gp Capt) Jim Beck at the controls
of UK F-35B BK-02 during his tenure as officer
commanding No 17 TES. Jamie Hunter

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