(やまだぃちぅ) #1


F-35 LIGHTNING II F-35B into service

‘Warlords’ lead the way
Having stood up VMFAT-501 ‘Warlords’
alongside its sister services at Eglin
AFB in 2010, the Marine Corps then set
about striking out and bedding down at
a spiritual home. Having completed a
first phase of training for the initial cadre
of engineers and pilots for VMFA-121,
the ‘Warlords’ moved east to Beaufort.
Beaufort has a big part to play in the F-35
story. It is additionally where the United
Kingdom – the only non-US Tier 1 partner
in the F-35 programme – has built its initial
F-35B operation alongside the Marine Corps.
At Edwards AFB, California, VMX-1 has
four F-35Bs embedded as part of the Joint
Operational Test Team (JOTT) alongside
Australian, British and Dutch operational test
units – plus the US Air Force F-35As and
US Navy F-35Cs – for a co-ordinated effort
that is leading to Initial Operational Test and
Evaluation (IOT&E). Until now, operational
test work has been geared towards signing
off particular elements as they are passed
across from development test (DT) in order
to allow initial operating capability (IOC),

ABOVE: The aircraft assigned to VMFAT-501 at MCAS Beaufort sit just outside the operations
building, so pilots and maintainers can easily move between the two. Jamie Hunter
RIGHT: RAF pilot Sqn Ldr Hugh Nichols at the controls of a VMFAT-501 F-35B while training in
the Moody Military Operating Area (MOA). Jamie Hunter BELOW: An F-35B of training squadron
VMFAT-501 in the pattern at MCAS Beaufort. Lockheed Martin/ Liz Lutz
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