(やまだぃちぅ) #1

ABOVE: An F-35B conducts operations on
board USS ‘America’ during the third and
final phase of developmental test (DT-III)
conducted in the Pacific in November 2016.
Lockheed Martin/Andy Wolfe
LEFT: A VMFA-211 F-35B lands on the USS
‘Essex’ during an amphibious squadron and
Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) integration
exercise in March 2018. US Navy/MCSS
Jacob Owen
RIGHT: The commanding officer of
VMFA- 12 2 ‘Flying Leathernecks’ conducts the
squadron’s first F-35B mission on March 29,

  1. USMC/Sgt Allison Lotz
    BELOW RIGHT: With Picacho Peak in the
    background, Maj Jack Cronan flies a VMX-1
    F-35B from MCAS Yuma. Jamie Hunter


before the 31st MEU deployed under the
Wasp Expeditionary Strike Group for
follow-on operations in the Indo-Asian-
Pacific region as part of a routine patrol.
VMFA-121 loaded live GBU-32s onto
its jets aboard the Wasp on March 24.
The milestone marked the first time
that live munitions had been loaded
onto a Lightning while underway
during an operational deployment.
A second deployment will commence
in July when a detachment from VMFA-
211 embarks aboard the USS Essex
(LHD 2) as part of the 13th MEU.
Meanwhile, VMFA-122 conducted its
first mission as an F-35B unit at Yuma
on March 29, 2018, having begun its
conversion from the F/A-18C in October

  1. As part of the transition, VMFA-122
    relocated from Beaufort to Yuma. VMFA-
    314 will be the first Marine squadron to
    equip with the F-35C when it stands up
    at MCAS Miramar in 2019. The squadron
    is expected to begin deployment workups
    with CVW-11 by the end of 2021.
    Under the 2018 Marine Aviation Plan,
    VMFA(AW)-225 will begin its transition
    from the F/A-18D to the F-35B in 2020 and
    the second FRS will stand up at Beaufort
    when VMFAT-502 is activated in early
    FY 2021. In addition, a reserve squadron
    augment unit (SAU) will be established
    with VMFAT-501 to support FRS
    flight operations during FY 2018.

F-35Bs of VMFA-121 ‘Green Knights’ arrive
aboard the USS ‘Wasp’ (LHD 1) in March 2018.
US Navy/MC3 Michael Molina

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