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F-35 LIGHTNING II Operator profile – Australia

ABOVE: RAAF F-35A A35-006 undergoes post-flight checks after arriving at Luke AFB on May 22.
The aircraft already wears the markings of No 2 Operational Conversion Unit on the fin. USAF


he Australian government announced
its selection of the F-35A in 2009,
including industrial participation
with Lockheed Martin. To date, the Royal
Australian Air Force (RAAF) has committed
to 72 F-35As for three operational squadrons
at RAAF Base Williamtown and RAAF
Base Tindal, as well as a training squadron
at Williamtown. A fourth operational

squadron will be considered for RAAF Base
Amberley, taking the total to 100 F-35As.
A sixth F-35A (A35-006/AU-06)
was delivered to the RAAF on May
22, 2018, when it was flown from
the factory at Fort Worth, Texas, to
Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.
It joined five other RAAF F-35As at
Luke flying with the US Air Force’s 61st

Fighter Squadron to train RAAF pilots.
Lockheed Martin is under contract
to deliver a further four from Lot 10
production before the end of 2018.
The first two aircraft to be permanently
based in Australia are due to arrive in
December 2018 for the premier operational
unit, No 3 Squadron, which will declare
initial operating capability in late 2020.


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