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F-35 LIGHTNING II Operator profile – Turkey

he first F-35A for the Türk Hava
Kuvvetleri (Turkish Air Force)
made its maiden flight at Lockheed
Martin’s Fort Worth facility on May 10,

  1. The Lightning II was piloted by
    US Navy test pilot CDR Tony Wilson.
    Aircraft serial 18-0001 (AT-01) took off
    at 14.47hrs and landed at 16.00hrs.
    Turkey took delivery of its first F-35A
    during an official handover event in the

US on June 21. Currently, two Turkish
Air Force pilots are training at Luke
Air Force Base, and the first pair of
Lightning IIs is scheduled to arrive in
Turkey in September 2019 to join 171 Filo
‘Korsan’ and 172 Filo ‘Sahin’ at Erhac.
Turkey has an eventual requirement for
100 F-35s and is one of six prime Joint
Strike Fighter partner nations. Ankara
is a full partner in the programme, and

the country has been selected to host
the hub for F135 engine overhaul for
all European Lightning II operators.
Meanwhile, two US senators have drafted a
bill that seeks to prevent the transfer of F-35s
to Turkey. The move has been prompted by
“rapidly deteriorating” relations between
Washington and Ankara and concerns that
Turkey may share sensitive information
about the F-35 with Russia. As well as

The Turkis h Air Force has plans to become a major operator of the F-35.
However, amid deteriorating relations with the US, some in Washington are
now looking to block deliveries.



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