combat aircraft

(singke) #1
Acknowledgements: The author wishes to
thank Col Dave May, Col Chad Milne, Maj
Matthew Clark, Capt Matt Wunderlin, Capt Eric
Dunford, Lt Jenna Lenski, Lt Nathan Davey
USN, SSgt Brandon Miller USMC and Sgt David
Bickel USMC.

station drill and the huge operational
training opportunities provided by ‘Red
Flag’ exercises. The size of ‘Northern
Lightning’ allows the  exibility sought
by participants, as con rmed by LT
Nathan Davy of VFA-83: ‘Being able to
execute [a mission] well and being able
to do it safely are two di erent things.
The mission commander has  exibility
to adjust and mold the training based
upon the assets available for ‘Red’ and
‘Blue Air’ and still make it a realistic
presentation. [The] Volk base and Col
Milne have been amazing in allowing
us to delineate our training to achieve
our DLOs.’
Clark summed up the test element:
‘For me, interacting with the 176th FS
has been the most rewarding part of
the exercise. We gain so much insight
on the needs of the war ghter by  ying
with them. With that insight we can
better shape the software to meet their
needs.’ No doubt the rapid ascension
of ‘Northern Lightning’ as a premier
exercise has put Volk Field CRTC and the
Wisconsin Air National Guard in a great
light, which will drive demand well into
the future.

The Raptors from the 1st
FW fl ew round trips from
Langley, lunch-stopping
at Volk.

The smart ‘Gunslingers’
CAG-bird Super Hornet
taxiing out at Volk Field.
Curt Jans // December 2018 51

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