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and FGF-2 administered in combination have been shown to ameliorate neuroin-

fl ammation in an experimental model of epilepsy by decreasing astrocytosis, micro-

cytosis, and IL-1β levels [ 124 ]. Further, it has been shown that increased

concentration of BDNF can be induced by high peroxide concentrations in the

rodent model of focal cerebral ischemia, which, in turn, reduces peroxide levels at

the injury site [ 125 ]. Although BDNF is primarily associated with modulating

infl ammation in the brain, there has been signifi cant work demonstrating its rele-

vance to spinal cord pathologies as well. In vivo studies have reported that BDNF

downregulates nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in damaged neurons after spinal cord

injury , leading to decreases in free radical production and a more stable injury

microenvironment [ 121 , 122 ]. BDNF has also been reported to limit the accumula-

tion of lipid peroxidation byproducts in injured spinal cord by manipulating microg-

lial function, serving to prevent further oxidative damage [ 126 , 127 ]. Moreover,

BDNF may reduce BSCB breakdown, edema formation, and neuronal injury in the

traumatized spinal cord in vivo [ 126 ].

7.4 The Role of Drug Delivery to Modulate Infl ammation

Many groups have also successfully used drug delivery to manipulate the infl amma-

tory response via cellular modulation and inhibition of gliosis. For instance, one

approach blocks key chemotactic receptors on infl ammatory cells, thereby limiting

their inherent chemotactic response towards the injury site. Specifi cally, the chemo-

kine antagonist, vMIPII, displays a broad spectrum of receptor activities and has

been shown to bind with high affi nity to various classes of chemokine receptors on

many different infl ammatory cells such as XCR, CCR, CXCR, and CX 3 CR [ 128 ,

129 ]. However, vMIPII binding is not associated with the normal, rapid mobiliza-

tion of calcium from intracellular stores and, furthermore, blocks calcium mobiliza-

tion induced by endogenous chemokines [ 130 ], likely due to the inhibition of

extravasation by hematogenous cells [ 128 , 131 ]. Using rat models of stab wound

injury and spinal cord contusion injury, Ghirnikar et al. reported that continuous

infusion of vMIPII decreased infi ltration of neutrophils, macrophages, and microg-

lia at the site of injury [ 131 ]. Further, vMIPII infusion resulted in substantial reduc-

tions in neuronal loss and gliosis with concomitant increased expression of Bcl2

gene [ 128 ], an endogenous inhibitor of apoptosis [ 132 – 135 ].

Other pharmaceutical approaches focus primarily on modulating leukocyte infi ltra-

tion and infl ammatory cytokine production. Such drugs include Lipitor, Imatinib,

Rolipram, Thalidomide, and Minocycline [ 136 – 139 ]. A sphingosine receptor modula-

tor, FTY720, has also been shown to inhibit leukocyte recruitment to the injury site

when administered daily after spinal cord contusion [ 140 ]; however, the mechanism

behind this action is still under investigation. Lipitor attenuates BSCB dysfunction by

suppressing isoprenoid-dependent RhoA activation and preventing matrix metallo-

proteinase-9 (MMP9) expression, which results in reduced infi ltration of neutrophils/

macrophages and reduced expression of the infl ammatory mediators TNFα and IL-1β

A. Roussas et al.
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