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similar fashion to Rolipram, demonstrates favorable outcomes in experimental

models of stroke due to its ability to suppress TNFα and IL-1β infl ammatory cyto-

kines. Not only have researchers observed decreased infarct volume and motor con-

trol defi cits, but also signifi cant decreases in oxidative damage to the brain [ 155 ,

156 ]. Due to its success in models of infl ammation in the CNS, the mechanisms of

Thalidomide treatment in other CNS injuries would be of interest.

The anti-microbial drug minocycline , when administered in the acute phase, can

modulate the behavior of microglia via caspase 1 inhibition to reduce the infl amma-

tory response and maintain a pro-regenerative milieu, leading to enhanced rehabili-

tative outcomes in SCI contusion models in mice [ 157 ]. A similar effect was

recorded in murine contusion models of the brain, where minocycline attenuated

microglial activation in one study [ 158 ] and IL-1β expression in another [ 159 ].

Given these results and others in both the spinal cord [ 160 , 161 ] and brain [ 159 ,

162 – 166 ], there is currently a clinical trial recruiting participants to assess the safety

and feasibility of clinical minocycline use after TBI [ 165 ]. While the scientifi c com-

munity has witnessed the failure of over 100 different neuroprotective drugs to

enhance recovery in treatment of SCI and TBI [ 167 ], these fi ve are still promising

in their own merit and may also serve to elucidate new pathways for research.

7.5 Promoting Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration

through Administration of Growth Factors,

Neurotrophic Factors or Small Molecules

In the previous sections , we presented the barriers to regeneration in the CNS such

as gliosis, ischemia, and induced apoptosis, and key examples of employing growth

factors, neurotrophic factors, and drugs to ameliorate these processes with the ulti-

mate goal of promoting a more favorable microenvironment for neuroprotection

and neuroregeneration. In this section, we discuss the direct links between growth/

neurotrophic factors and neuroprotection/neuroregeneration (see Table 7.1 ).

7.5.1 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

Vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF) is induced by hypoxia and ischemia and

plays a role in enhancing angiogenesis and aproviding neuroprotection in the brain

through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and endoplasmic reticulum

(ER) stress pathways [ 168 – 172 ]. This group has shown that the actions of VEGF are

dose dependent (demonstrating effi cacy at about 2.5 ng/μL) and act most effectively

within the fi rst 3 h of transient MCAO [ 173 ]. VEGF effi cacy may also be temporally

dependent as evidenced in a rodent model of stroke [ 170 ]. Chu et al. observed VEGF

IV administration 1 h post- insult to increase BBB leakage and lesion size, while

A. Roussas et al.
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