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increased OPC generation, enhanced survival of dopaminergic neuronal cul-

tures, and protection from toxicity [ 213 ]. In stroke models, delayed administra-

tion of FGF-2 has been shown to decrease infarct volume and increase functional

recovery in rats [ 37 , 38 ]. Despite its benefits, FGF2 administration poses in vivo

limitations. For example, while FGF-2 induced axon myelination in periven-

tricular white matter, it also resulted in significant loss of oligodendrocytes at

later time points in both healthy and PD brain models [ 211 , 214 ]. Further, a

significant decrease of myelination in the caudal anterior medullary velum has

been reported as an effect of FGF-2 delivery to rat pups [ 43 ]. These data sug-

gest that FGF2 has a dual effect on neural environment , both providing neuro-

protection to endogenous cells and potentially limiting remyelination and

oligodendrocyte survival. Therefore, investigations into parameters that may

modulate FGF2 efficacy could inform the design of more precise FGF2 delivery


7.6 Biomaterials to Enhance Neuroregeneration

In order to circumvent the barriers of therapeutic administration (e.g. BBB/BSCB

permeability) and minimize invasive therapeutic delivery paradigms, researchers

have turned to engineered biomaterials constructed from synthetic or natural mate-

rials. These techniques benefi t the CNS immensely by providing increasingly effi -

cient avenues for delivery of therapeutics for brain and spinal injury/disease


There are three major requirements that a biomaterial must meet in order to be

suitable in this regard. First, the mechanical properties of the biomaterial must be

robust enough to sustain local fi xation (specifi cally in the spinal cord), yet com-

pliant enough so as not to compress the local tissue [ 215 – 217 ]. Second, the bio-

material must be suffi ciently biocompatible so as to integrate with the local

environment (i.e. appropriate porosity, permeability, and surface nanotopogra-

phy) [ 216 , 218 ]. Third, the material must degrade at a suitable rate, similar to that

of the ingrowth of support tissue and the extension of extending axonal processes

[ 216 , 219 ]. Many different types of materials have been used to develop scaffolds

for neuroregeneration including natural materials like hyaluronic acid (HA), col-

lagen, chitosan, agarose, alginate, and more; synthetic materials, such as nitrocel-

lulose membranes, synthetic polymers, and biodegradable synthetic polymers;

and biological grafts, such as fetal tissue (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral

nerve implants [ 215 , 219 – 222 ].

While the great number of biomaterials currently in use experimentally seems to

be individually idiosyncratic, they can be generalized into three categories: hydro-

gels, nanofi bers, and micro/nano particles [ 220 ].

A. Roussas et al.
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