
(Brent) #1


1.4.2 Genome Editing Technologies

Innovations over the last decade in the fi eld of molecular biology have provided a

multitude of options to genetically modify the salamander Table 1.2. The application

of Sce1-meganuclease or Tol2-transposase technology has produced germline trans-

genics expressing ubiquitous fl uorescent proteins in various salamander species

[ 154 , 175 , 176 , 179 ]. Several transgenic reporters have been developed to track the

fates of tissues such as nerve, Schwann cells, muscle, epidermis and cartilage or

signaling molecules like retinoic acid [ 51 , 52 ]. In addition it is now possible to tem-

porally control gene expression within specifi c cells thanks to the development of

Table 1.2 Genetic tools available in salamanders

Genome editing tool References
Non-germline vectors
Viruses Vaccinia virus [ 171 ] a
Adenovirus [ 133 , 172 ] b
Pseudotyped virus [ 173 ] a
Foamy virus [ 174 ] a
Germline transgenics
Ubiquitous reporters CAGGS;EGFP [ 154 , 175 , 176 ] a,c,d
CAGGS;CherryNuc [ 33 ] a
CAGGS;LP-EGFP-LP-Tomato [ 51 ] a
CAGGS;LP-EGFP-LP-p16-T2A-Cherry [ 51 ] a
CAGGS;ER-Cre-ER-T2A-EGFP-nuc [ 51 ] a
Tissue specifi c reporters B3Tubulin:EGFP [ 51 ] a
CNP;EGFP [ 51 ] a
Col2a1:EGFP [ 51 ] a
Krt12:EGFP [ 51 ] a
CarAct;EGFP [ 51 ] a
AxSox2;cre-ert2-T2A-GFP [ 51 ] a
Col2A1:ER-Cre-ER-T2A-EGFP-nuc [ 51 ] a
Signaling molecule

RARE;EGFP [ 52 ] a

Loss of function genetics
TALENs Tryosinase [ 177 ] d
Sox2 [ 111 ] a
Thrombospondin-1 [ 54 ] a
Prod1 [ 28 ] b
CRISPR Brachyury [ 178 ] a
Sox2 [ 111 ] a

a Ambystoma
b Notophthalamus
c Cynops

d Pleurodeles

R.J. Debuque and J.W. Godwin
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