Spectrum biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Directions (Q. Nos. 41-60) Read the statements for
Assertion and Reason carefully and mark the correct option
out of the options given below.
(a)Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the
correct explanation of Assertion.
(b)Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not
the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c)Assertion is correct, but Reason is incorrect.
(d)Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
41 .Assertion Homogeniser and ultracentrifuge are the
devices for separating various cell organelles.
Reason The radioactive substances used in biological
studies are called tracer elements.
42 .Assertion Enzymes differ from man-made catalyst as
the enzymes affect fewer substrate.
Reason Enterokinase is activator for pepsin.
43 .Assertion Archaebacteria are the only organisms with
exceptional plasma membrane where lipids help them
to survive in extreme hot, cold or methane and salt rich
Reasons Archaebacteria are called ancient bacteria.
44 .As ser tion The first set of reactions of photosynthesis
takes place in the thylakoid, where chlorophyll and
other pigments are located and are called light
dependent reactions.
Rea son They are dependent on light
45 .As ser tion Che lat ing agents used in im prov ing
avail abil ity of some min er als in soil are ac tu ally
elec tron acceptors.
Rea son They in crease sol u bil ity of some min er als in
acidic soil.
46 .As ser tion In hab it ants close to very busy air ports are
likely to ex pe ri ence health haz ards.
Rea son Sound level of jet aeroplanes usu ally ex ceeds
160 db.
47 .As ser tion Ser en dip ity re fers to dis cov er ies as a re sult
of thor ough re search.
Rea son Dis cov ery of penicillin was not due to the
ser en dip ity.
48 .As ser tion Sieve tubes in plants are formed of
enucleated cells called sieve mem bers.
Reason All the activities of sieve cell are controlled by
nucleated parenchyma cells.
49 .As ser tion Pro cess of con ver sion of ADP into ATP is
called as phosphorylation.
Rea son An aer o bic res pi ra tion re leases more en ergy
than aer o bic res pi ra tion.
50 .As ser tion Net pri mary pro duc tion rep re sents food
po ten tially avail able to pri mary con sum ers and
de com posers, feed ing upon plants.

Rea son The pri mary con sum ers take in so lar en ergy in
the form of food from plants.
51 .As ser tion Leghaemoglobin is a com pound of iron and
is pres ent in the root nod ules of le gu mi nous plants.
Rea son It acts as ox y gen scav en ger and forms a
tem po rary com pound by com bin ing with ox y gen.
52 .As ser tion Hypnospore are the thick walled rest ing
spores pro duced in some al gae.
Rea son The megaspore of Pinus are also called
53 .As ser tion Appearance of pub ic hair in hu man be ings
in di cates the on set of pu berty.
Rea son Pubis is a bone of the pel vic gir dle of
hu man be ings.
54 .As ser tion The initiation step of protein synthesis
differs in several ways in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Rea son They both form mRNA-tRNA complex with
smaller subunit of ribosome.
55 .As ser tion Those two pairs of genes which if pres ent in
dom i nant stage, do not pro duce any ex pres sion but
when pres ent col lec tively in dom i nant stage, pro duce
phenotypic ex pres sion are called com ple men tary
Rea son In her i tance of pur ple col our of flower in a pea
gives a phenotypic ra tio of 9 : 7, as a re sult of selfing of
F 1 -off spring.
56 .As ser tion Of all the taxa, only one that ex ists in na ture
as bi o log i cally co he sive unit is spe cies.
Rea son Only mem ber of the same spe cies can
in ter breed.
57 .As ser tion Photorespiration is the res pi ra tion which
oc curs dur ing the day time.
Rea son Photorespiration is bio chem i cally dif fer ent
from nor mal res pi ra tion in volv ing glycolate
mech a nism.
58 .As ser tion Progenote is con sid ered to be the most
an cient form of life which gave rise to archaebacteria
and eubacteria.
Rea son Monerans are al ways uni cel lu lar.
59 .As ser tion Pos i tive dif fu sion oc curs against the
con cen tra tion gra di ent.
Rea son Os mo sis does not re quire a semiper me able
mem brane.
60 .As ser tion The syn the sis of DNA takes place in
G 2 cy cle of mitosis.
Rea son DNA is pos i tively charged par ti cle pres ent in
chro mo some of nu cleus.

1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(c) 9.(d) 10.(c)
11.(d) 12.(b) 13.(c) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(b) 17.(b) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(c)
21.(c) 22.(d) 23.(b) 24.(d) 25.(d) 26.(b) 27.(a) 28.(b) 29.(b) 30.(a)
31.(c) 32.(a) 33.(a) 34.(d) 35.(a) 36.(a) 37.(c) 38.(d) 39.(b) 40.(d)
41.(b) 42.(c) 43.(b) 44.(a) 45.(d) 46.(a) 47.(d) 48.(c) 49.(c) 50.(c)
51.(b) 52.(c) 53.(c) 54.(c) 55.(a) 56.(a) 57.(b) 58.(c) 59.(d) 60.(d)
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