Spectrum biology

(Axel Boer) #1
Section A
1.Name the In dian breed of cow that was
de vel oped through ar ti fi cial se lec tion and
do mes ti ca tion of wild cows.
2.If the length of DNA of E.coli is 1.36 mm,
cal cu late the num ber of base pairs in it.
3.Coe la canth was caught in 1938 in South Af rica.
Why is it very sig nif i cant in the evo lu tion ary
his tory of ver te brates?
4.If a pa tient is ad vised anti-retroviral ther apy,
which in fec tion is he suf fer ing from? Name the
caus ative or gan ism.
5.A mul ti na tional com pany out side In dia tried to
sell new va ri et ies of tur meric with out proper
pat ent rights. What is such an act re ferred to?

6.In GIFT, ga metes are trans ferred to the Fal lo pian
tube. Can ga metes be trans ferred to the uterus to
achieve the same re sult? Ex plain.
7.Not all char ac ters show true dom i nance. What
are the two other pos si ble types of dom i nance?
Give an ex am ple of each.
8.En list the char ac ters that breed ers have tried to
in cor po rate into crop plants.
9.Define broad spec trum an ti bi ot ics. Give two
ex am ples.

10.What are pri mary and sec ond ary car ni vores?
Men tion their trophic lev els in a food chain.
Explain the function of reservoir in a nutrient
cycle. List the two types of nutrient cycles in

11.What is asex ual re pro duc tion? Why do al gae and fungi
shift to sex ual mode of re pro duc tion just be fore the on set
of ad verse con di tions?
12.Draw a di a gram of hu man sperm. La bel only those parts
along with their func tions that as sist the sperm to reach
and gain en try into the fe male ga mete.
13.What are the at trib utes that pop u la tion pos sess but not
an in di vid ual?
14.Write crit i cal notes on ground wa ter de ple tion and ways
of its re plen ish ment.
15.Do you sup port ‘Dope’ test be ing con ducted on sports
per sons par tic i pa ting in a pres ti gions ath letic meet.
Give three rea sons in sup port of your answer.
How is innate immunity different from the immunity
that you require through vaccine? Describe any two
ways by which innate immunity can be a accomplished?
16.Why plants ob tained through micropropagation are
termed as somaclones? Name three food plants
pro duced on com mer cial scale us ing this method.
17.Write about the types and roles of an ti bod ies in our body.
18.What are eth ics and bioethics?
How are de vel oped na tions tak ing ad van tage of
biopatent laws to ex ploit the resources of de vel op ing
coun tries?
19.Can you ex plain how Aus tra lian mar su pial shows
ev i dences for con ver gent evo lu tion as well as adap tive
20.The length of a DNA mol e cule in a typ i cal mam ma lian
cell is cal cu lated to be ap prox i mately 2.2 m. How is the
pack ag ing of this long mol e cule done to ac com mo date it
within the nu cleus of the cell?
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