- The up take of nu tri ent by bac te ria
(a) oc curs against rel a tively small con cen tra tion gra di ents in
free liv ing bac te ria.
(b)of ten in volves trans port pro teins that are in duc ible in
re sponse to the pres ence of trans port able mol e cules in the
me dium and the met a bolic needs of cells.
(c) oc curs only by a pro cess in volv ing sugar phosphorylation.
(d)gen er ally does not in volve in te gral mem brane pro teins with
transmembrane al pha he li ces.
- Charles Dar win and his son Fran cis ex per i mented
with photo tro pism of grass seed lings by plac ing a
metal for blind fold over dif fer ent parts of seed lings
col eop tiles. A sim pli fied ver sion of their re sults is
shown be low. Which of the fol low ing state ments
best ex plains their results?
(a) The light sig nal is per ceived be low the tip and these cells
cause the col eop tiles to grow towards light.
(b)Both the seed ling root and col eop tiles per ceive and
re spond to light in same man ner.
(c) a chem i cal mes sen ger must travel from the base of
col eop tile to tip.
(d)the light sig nal is per ceived at the tip of the col eop tile but the
growth re sponse oc curs a few mil li me ters be low the tip.
10 .Histone acetylation in creases tran scrip tion of gene
be cause
(a) it in creases the DNA histone in ter ac tion.
(b) the acetyl groups on his tones are re cog nised by RNA
poly mer ase.
(c) histone acetylation looses the DNA histone com plex
thereby mak ing it more ac ces si ble to RNA poly mer ase.
(d) histone acetylation in duces DNA bend ing which is
re cog nised by RNA poly mer ase.