
(C. Jardin) #1

Predicting Product Choice with Symbolic Regression and Classification 207

product search process are discrete categorical values between one and eight that
represent one of the eight products.
The classification search required a suitable database of training data. The 18
utility scores were the independent variables. Each of the 201 respondents had eight
sets of utility scores to represent the eight products in the ranking task. For each
person the eight rows of product data were based on:

  1. the utility score the respondent gave to each of the 18 attributes

  2. the specific utility value that was relevant to each product’s feature configuration

The evolutionary search was conducted using Abstract Regression Classification
(ARC) software (Korns 2011 , 2007 , 2010 ). The dependent variable was the rank
order number of the eight products where the number zero represented the product
the respondents were least likely to buy and seven was the product they were most
likely to buy.
The data in Table 2 GPTP appears to be an ideal candidate for a classification:
GPTP search. The independent variables are 18 product feature utilities for each
of the eight products. The dependent variables are eight discrete values that
represent one of the eight products. This requires a fitness measure to replace
the Normalized Least Squares Error (NLSE) commonly used in regression models
where the dependent variable is a quantitative variable. For this reason, the current
classification search used ARC’s Classification Error Percent (CEP) fitness measure.
This minimizes the percent of observations where the prediction was not an exact

5 The Select() Command

Since the classification search requires a prediction in the form of discrete values,
several of the goal specifications below needed a command to constrain predicted
values to be in this form. For this reason aselect()command was used to transform
continuous results into one of eight values representing one of the eight products.
The following example illustrates the use of the select command. The neuralnet
command (described below) can be specified to produce a certain number of outputs.
In the illustrative command below the final numeric parameter (the number 8)
specifies that the neuralnet goal will have eight outputs.

In order to constrain this goal to produce a discrete value between one and eight
it was embedded within a select command as follows:

The select() command will analyze the vector of eight output values and return
the position of the highest value. The resulting value was an integer from one to

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